The LOGO competition:

    Students are to imagine / design a logo for the project and upload it on a Padlet. 

    Using AnswerGarden, a vote will then be organized to choose everybody's favorite logo. 

    Getting-to-know you activities

    * Writing a poem: In my life… (following the pattern given)

                       In my life...

                       I have seen ___________________________________

                       I have heard _________________________________

                       I have touched ________________________________

                       I have smelled __________________________________

                       I have tasted _________________________________

                       I have done __________________________________


    Where I live...

    Think about the place where you live. Write true sentences with the structure “it … to...”

    For example: Where I live… it is difficult to get from one place to another; it feels good to be kind; it is not unusual to help people who need it.

    PowerPoint presentation with one slide per idea – students take photos to illustrate the idea. Or record a short video.


    Storytelling Improvisation: The students are encouraged to get outside into their gardens (if they have one) or their schoolyards during the break or simply on their way to school and look around. They are supposed to find an interesting object (a leaf, a rock or a stone, marking in the ground, a twig, a plastic bag, etc.) and take a photo of it. They post a photo using a sticky note in Linoit. The teachers collect all the object names and put them in a bag. The students grab one slip of paper from the bag and then build a one-minute story around it. This is a fun speaking activity where each student in the group chooses an object from the bag blindly. Then they simply in turn, talk about their ‘life’ as the thing in question whilst others have to guess (for one point) what the object is. As a follow-up activity in class, Teacher could have a short discussion with each student ‘playing their given role’. At home the students work on their stories, polish them and record themseleves while telling it using Vocaroo (online voice recorder).

    Using AnswerGarden, a vote will then be organized to choose everybody's favorite story.


    Sounds green to me… find a song to give us motivation to take care about the environment. Choose your favourite line in the lyrics and from that chosen line write a new text in groups.

    The Logo Competition: voting for the winner and announcing the winner



              The theme for the poster is What can we do? Poster must be made out of reused items and/or items that can be easily recycled (the back of an old poster, cardboard from a cardboard box, letters/pictures from magazines, glue made of flour and water, etc.) Using BigHugeLabs motivator, the students create their own digital motivational posters-out of the scanned version of their Earth Day posters and the environmental message they want to send.


    Go Green Code - a code of good ecological behaviour that students write together. 

    End of project survey

     What do you think about the project? (Google Forms)