• As too often we ignore the creative aspects of STEM in our classroom teaching and focus on routine exercises and the repetition of procedures. In doing so, we are unlikely to spark enthusiastic responses to the subject from the children. Not too many children say that Mathematics is their favorite lesson and yet it could be so easily. Engineering is often described as the study of pattern which might help to explain its strong connections with art, leading to some of the most creative aspects of it.

    Integrating practical and theoretical knowledge in primary education institutions` curricula can provide opportunities for students to gain the skills needed now and in the future on the labor market, and thus improve their future employability. The local authorities in each participating country have identified a need to improve the quality of education in STEM subjects, particularly on the field of ICT, Numeracy and Business Studies for future employability, therefore the Strategic Partnership will support a project-based collaboration between students and staff, to develop, test and adopt a joint curriculum between participating Primary Schools, based on an exhaustive needs analysis and focusing on a “real-life” transnational approach.

    The aim of the project is to develop children's STEM (STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills by introducing them to LEGO Robotics.

    Project objectives
    * To increase students’ interest in STEM education and careers and introduced them to all available new trends in technology.
    * To provide tools and methodologies to facilitate the acquisition of STEM skills.
    * To develop collaborative partnership between schools and the wider community in formal, non-formal and informal learning.
    * To tackle the shortfall in women in the STEM sector at European level and increasing drop out rates of girls in STEM.

    Further to the above objectives we are to improve the quality of education in STEM and business studies and to increase the take-up of these subjects in upper secondary and higher education. The Strategic Partnership will support the development of better progression routes into higher education and graduation, with a specific focus on non-traditional learners, such as students from under-represented groups or with disadvantaged backgrounds, by transferring and testing innovative approaches.

    Robotics has established itself in recent years as a very useful educational tool, although emerging, especially in scientific and technological education. Educational robotics has been present in University, Polytechnic and professional stimulated by numerous competitions that are promoted as the First Lego League (FLL) and the RoboCup Junior.

    Our project will include founding ROBOTICS clubs in each school and these clubs are used as an opportunity to introduce business studies to children at very young age. Our pupils will run these clubs as real businesses and learn how challenging and complex can it be to take part in entrepreneurship. These processes will involve creating business plans, how to set up a business, what legal identity is the best suitable, how to register with authorities. Also to step into the work of marketing which can teach them to repre

    The Strategic Partnership will also imply teaching/learning activities, including student mobility. The final result is the adaptation of the model, its implementation by participating Primary Schools and the dissemination to organisations beyond the partnership, aiming in particular at other education providers and key policy-maker.

    The project activities involve staff exchange between the participating organisations, with the aim of exchanging experiences and good practice. The partners share materials and resources, and develop units of cross-curricular work in STEM and business studies, that are tested in primary schools. At the same time, a research compilation in the field is conducted, and discussed during a transnational meeting where a final handbook is developed and plans the testing and evaluation of the improved methodology

    The contributions made during the project work will be published in English and national languages. It will be presented to the attention of the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, youth and science and other cultural institutions connected to the topic. The virtual exhibition will popularize the European heritage. The results from all activities will be popularized and published. The schools intend to make use of the results of this project in their educational implementations.  To ensure sustainability and dissemination of project results, the Strategic Partnership foresees conferences at local, national and European level, as well as designs jointly a follow-up strategy.