Cleaner and Greener

This project aims at cleaning and “greening” the place / the area we live in. “Protecting the environment” is not a new topic for students but we want them to avoid forgetting to care about our Planet. Also, we forget our nature in today’s technological developing world. There are lots of signals of upcoming bad events if we go on consuming without thinking. So it is important to get together with students from other countries and create activities that make everyone (school community and around it) reflect and act on it. With this project we can take a step by caring our environment. Turning back to the nature is the only way to ‘Clean” and “Green” our environment. We can trigger our students to become more aware of the environment we live in. We all should “green” and “clean” our environment, plant trees, heal damaged nature and biodiversity, etc, etc… Let’s do it! Taking Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into account is crucial for every individual in every society to be aware.

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