Simulation Games

  • Game „Oh, this life!”

    Simulation Game “Build a Building”


    Divide the students into groups. Each group is a company. There are five types of companies: Construction, Real Estate, Labor, Materials, and Equipment. For large classes construction companies have 4 students to a group. All other companies have two to a group. Take a few minutes before class to do the math and ensure that there will be enough of each group type to supply each resource that the construction company needs. Alternately you can limit the amount of one or more resource to increase competition which could lead to a follow up discussion of supply and demand.

    Teachers explain how to calculate profit/loss as many students may not realize that they have to figure in monthly expenses to their selling prices.

    The companies:

    Construction Company:

    You have €1,000,000. You must build a building in 4 weeks starting tomorrow.

    To build a building you need: 1 parcel of land 10,000 pounds of raw materials 10 construction vehicles for 2 weeks 1000 man-hours of labor.

    Real Estate Company:

    Try to earn a profit by selling land to the construction companies. Each parcel of land costs you €100,000. Sell for a higher price. You have monthly expenses of €100,000.

    Calculate your profit like this: total sales- cost of land- monthly expenses= profit

    Equipment Company:

    Earn money by renting construction vehicles to the construction companies. You have 20 vehicles. A vehicle can only be rented by one company at a time.

    For example: for the first 2 weeks you rent 10 vehicles to company X and 10 vehicles to company Y. You have no vehicles left to rent to company Z during this time, but you can rent to them for the second two weeks.

    You have monthly expenses of €355,000.

    Calculate your profit like this: total money from rentals – monthly expenses= profit

     Materials Company:

    Earn money by selling raw materials to the construction companies. Each penny of raw materials costs you €10. Sell for a higher price.

    You have monthly expenses of €40,000

    Calculate your profit like this: total sales- cost of raw materials- monthly expenses= profit

    Labor Company:

    Earn a profit by contracting out laborers to the construction companies. You have 20 laborers in your company. Each laborer can only work 8 hours per day. Each laborer must be paid a wage of €20 per hour of work. Charge the construction companies a higher rate. You have monthly expenses of €25,000.

    Calculate your profit like this: Total money received- workers’ wages- monthly expenses= profit

    Prepared by students from Turkey HOV ALEMDAG TUNC CAPA ANADOLU LISESI


    Simulation Game “Marketing Madness”


    1. Students are divided in groups of three and they are all marketing executives.
    2. Students decide a product to invent (shoes, car, soft-drink, medicine, etc.) and they have to come up with a way to market it and then present their idea to the class.
    3. They have to design an advertisement for either a billboard, television commercial or magazine.
    4. Divide the presentation into three parts:

    4.1.) Description of the product.

    4.2.) Description of the advertising method they have used.

    4.3.) Explanation as to WHY they chose certain things in their advertisement (i.e. a beautiful landscape that makes you think of the peaceful way that you feel when you drink this soothing drink).

    This is a good way to make everybody speak making full use of every flowery adjective they can find and also a fun exercise in creativity/marketing strategies. This activity also leads to a discussion on the good, the bad, and the ugly of advertising techniques.

    This is an easy but fun way to get students of any age up and speaking enthusiastically in front of the class.

    Prepared by students from Turkey HOV ALEMDAG TUNC CAPA ANADOLU LISESI