The calendar of activities
First month (Preparations) 19/9/2016-18/10/2016
*Preparation of posters with logo of the project for the opening ceremony.
*Opening ceremony.
*School picture, teachers and students included in this project collective picture, name lists and ages, (photos/videos/presentations/etc).
*Buildings, classrooms, tools and materials to be used in this project (pictures/description/clips/presentations etc).
Second month (Work to do) 19/10/2016-18/11/2016
*Creating pictures, paints, descriptions, designs work, posters, prepare tools (or anything else available), and finish work.
*Work calendar (Only dates and activity topics) at the end of month.
Third month (Presentation of work) 19/11/2016-18/12/2016
*Presentations, acting, cultural activities etc, ending ceremony+acknowledgments (photos/videos/clips/presentations etc).
For any question please contact us!
Best regards