
  • We spread the word about our own yellow submarine in each schoo but also on Instagram!

    You can follow our project @our_own_yellow_submarine on the social network.

  • Here are some examples of what we did to talk about this project in each school.

    Dissemination on European Club Facebook

    Portuguese students presented the project for the school community on Facebook page

    Dissiminiation on school FB

    We presented the project and some activities, and shared the link to public Twinspace.

    Dissemination in Zespół Szkół Nr 16 in Białystok,Poland

    About the project on the school website.

    Display in the school

    Zespół Szkół Nr 16 w Białymstoku - we created a big poster showing the biodiversity of the oceans, logo of the project and eTwinning programe.

    Dissimination in the school communuty

    With the short video we want to inform our school community about the project.

    Earth Day eTwinning event

    Earth Day with eTwinning project - Wave of information about oceans condition and ways to safe oceans.

    Etwinning event

    Earth Day and art therapy round oceans.

    Earth Day with eTwinning project "Our own Yellow Submarine"

    eTwinning event.

    Namık Kemal IHO-Erhan BAL

    Our project is on school website

    Presentation of the project in a Webinaire in France

    This project was presented on May 17th in a Etwinning webinaire named "des projets européens à distance, des etwinneurs témoignent".

    eTwinning event

    A school exhibition on the topic "Oceans" with students' work on the project.

    Zespół Szkół Nr 16 in Białystok

    We shared our posters among the school community.

    Romanian Team

    Dissemination of the project on the iTeach platform

    Romanian Team

    Dissemination of the project on the school website

    Romanian Team

    Dissemination of the project on the Twitter

    Romanian Team

    School exhibition on "A green future is a prosperous future!" to celebrate Earth Day 2022.

    Romanian Team

    Romanian students celebrated Earth Hour on 26 March by turning of their lights between 8.30 and 9.30 pm (local time). They met in the Union Square in Focsani and lit lanterns together. Taking part in Earth Hour isn’t only about committing for one hour on one day, it’s about committing every day to shape a brighter future for people and our planet.

    Romanian Team

    Romanian students celebrated World Water Day, making posters and information on the theme of the year 2022, Groundwater: Making the invisible, visible.

    Sharing a video and song among the school community

    International Oceans Day - 08.06.2022

    Sharing posters among the school community, parents ans other stakeholders