The images on postage stamps have been used to convey messages from government of the day to the society. They play much important role not only in cultural heritage but also in religion. In this project, our main goal is to study the Islamic scholars, architecture, art, and music via stamps in our country. The aim of the project is to encourage the pupils to search and find out islamic information and images on our stamps, to raise the awareness of both Islam and philately. The pupils have an oppurtunity to analyze the islamic images on the stamps in their own country. Thanks to this Project, they also learn islamic works on stamps in detail. Our project is for 11-14 aged group students. The pupils investigate the stamps printed up to now and divide them into different categories about Islamic images on the stamps . They make questionnaires about their knowledge on Islamic images on the stamps and prepare logos, posters, online quiz, create a new stamp, boards at school, exhibition at school and post museum. Let’s be aware of Islamic scholars, architecture, art, music and philately.

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