Dissemination details

  • 1) the last day of the school year (30-6-22)  in Piramatico liceo is a celebration day. All the projects were presented including this  specifically ''Shaking to the earthquake's Rhythm''



    2)The students involved in the project presented their work on the etwinning platform to their classmates and schoolmates in IT Guido Carli school



    3)The students involved in the project presented  a part of the  etwinning project  on 11-5-22, to the other students of Rethymno in Piramatico liceo. On that day all the schools present their work to the others




    4) All the etwinning projects of the Piramatiko liceo of Retymno are gathering in a padlet . The link of the padlet will be distriputed to all the students of the school

    5) Flyers with the measurments of protection are on the walls of each class of Piramatiko liceo of Retymno, with the logo of etwinning project

    6) The students of Grigore Antipa College of Science, Brasov, involved in the project presented to their colleagues the activities in which they participated and their results.