Our Project: FAIRY YOGA

  • Here we can read a brief summary of our work process...

    Yoga for children is a form of yoga that is designed specifically for children. It includes poses to increase strength, flexibility and coordination. Classes are intended to be fun and may include age-appropriate games, animal sounds and creative names for poses

    FAIRY YOGA is an open project, We are different schools, dealing with different ages, resources... we would like to respect the pace of every school.

    The work process want to work on:

    The Greeting to the Sun, The 5 Tibetan poses yoga ,Yoga on cards (making own cards, playing with cards), Conquering names of yoga pose, K Making new yoga poses, Yoga in pairs,

    Fairy :Smiling sun sees me, Making own fairy,  Making yoga with other childrens (skype, etwinning),  Massage with massage balls, Relaxation, calming, children teach other kids yoga, Visiting teachers of yoga Conclusion: workshop with parents...

    (link to the full project)

    Hera is full project