Task Distribution

  • Common Gmail account




    Project Description


    Work Calendar:

    - Teacher's & students’ presentations (Padlet) 

    - Chrismas cards exchange
    - Introductory activity to launch the project (we can divide them by schools and share knowledge. See if you agree with the proposal):
    - Presentation with inspirational interviews of department teachers done at each school (Spain)
    - Interviews with entrepreneurs/professionals about their work and impact in the community/SDG (Italy)
    - Interviews with labour market representatives from the local chamber of commerce (Greece)
    - Development of companies’ case studies and their lessons learned (Portugal)
    - Project logo contest

    - Identification and share of today’s "green" jobs and the required qualifications and skills in the labour market (Padlet?)
    - Activity about team building and work responsibilities 
    (different skills and talents in the team members, what roles will they have to have in the group, teams building, role of each one... we can create a digital board game with questions and answers, or we can create a WheelofNames.com with questions and they will have to answer them or find out the right answers) 
    - Webinar with entrepreneurs about "How to develop a business idea and how to pitch it" (we can invite 2 or 3 entrepreneurs between us and create a Zoom round table on the issue with our students) 

    - Business ideas development (working steps - we can create one post for each in the forum and help the teams that need and ask there for help or, even, create Padlet for each step and ask them to update there the feedback on the work) 

    - Creation of the business ideas promotional video (in English or with English subtitles until 2 minutes) 
    - Share of the videos at Twinspace or other digital platform were all can vote to select the most voted by school

    - Webinar with entrepreneurs

    - Final Gala with the business ideas that won the voting (the most voted from each school) 
    - Evaluation


    Here we share the tasks:




    Logo Contest Inês Duarte
    Inspirational interviews Spain - Atarfe
    Interviews with entrepreneurs Spain - Girona
    Interviews with labour market representatives Greece-1st Epal
    Companies’ case studies Fátima Rodrigues
    Instagram page coordinator Fátima Rodrigues
    Twitter page coordinator Rosario Rodríguez
    Whatsapp group coordinator Fátima Rodrigues
    Final Entrepreneur Webinar Fátima Rodrigues
    Evaluation Greece-1st Epal