Projekt aims



    This projects ist a part of the accreditation of the Erasmus project, our students will participate ist the long-term mobility program. The students will absolve their internships and visit the school in Spain and Germany. 

    The project aims to document all the activities (such as application, interviews, etc) as well as the preparation of the students for the participation in the long-term mobility.

    One of the important stages of the project is the creation of a Learning agreement. 

    At the end of the project each student will write a report about their stay. This will be produced as an ebook and published on our website. 


    • enhanced employability and improved career prospects;
    • increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
    • increased self-empowerment and self-esteem;
    • improved foreign language and digital competences;
    • enhanced intercultural awareness;
    • more active participation in democratic life and in society in general;
    • better awareness of the European project and the EU common values;
    • increased motivation for taking part in future (formal/non-formal) education or training after the mobility period abroad.