Copyright-free images

  • Where to find images and you are free to use and share? How to share them?


    If it's a photo YOU took or a drawing YOU made, then no problem, use it as you wish!

    Otherwise: click HERE to find images you can use freely (Creative Commons licence).

    If you search on Google imagessearch tools > usage rights > Creative Commons Licenses.

    Remember: always mention the ATTRIBUTION = WHO took the picture and the WEBSITE where it comes from.

    Ex: photo by Peter Smith on / photo by Sarah Biden via Wikimedia Commons (NOT the full URL!)

    More details on how to find the attribution on the tutorial attached below.

    Where to find images you are free to use and share.pdf

    Isabelle would like to add a TIP: You can also find free pictures on Unsplash, and Freerangestock.