Welcome to BBLI Project!


    Between and Beyond the Lines of Information

    Schools involved:

    • Liceo "Giordano Bruno" Turin, Italy
    • Liceo "Orso Mario Corbino", Siracusa, Italy
    • IISS "Galileo Galilei", Crema, Italy
    • Agrupamento de Escolas Eduardo Gageiro, Loures, Portugal
    • Karşıyaka Cihat Kora Anadolu Lisesi, Karşıyaka, Turkey


    The project aims at exploring and analysing different kinds of information. 

    Students will learn how to verify the reliability and accountability of information sources and how to publish and share information responsibly. 

    The project goal is to develop students' awareness and critical thinking through collaborative and creative activities around the theme of News and Information Literacy in order to become active and self-conscious European Citizens. 


    1. Discover the main key concepts of Information and News literacy and the main aspects of traditional and new media.
    2. Analyse different types of information  neighbourhoods
    3. Develop competences for ‘Web Literacy ‘: How to search and filter data and information
    4. Critically evaluate information and digital content adopting different kind of checklist and criteria by distinguishing  among fake news, misinformation and disinformation in the media
    5. Interact and actively collaborate and participate  in SM
    6. Contribute and develop content creatively in SM