Háaleitisskóli, Iceland

  • Singing Christmas 2021


    Our school is located in Keflavik, Iceland. 




    Our students and teachers  in Iceland creatively decorated the doors of the school classrooms before the Christmas


    Students in the 6th grade sing a song

    We wish you a Merry Christmas in Icelandic


    Við óskum þér góðra jóla,
    við óskum þér góðra jóla, 
    við óskum þér góðra jóla, 
    og gleðilegs árs.

    Góð tíðindi færum við
    til allra hér: 
    Við óskum þér, góðra jóla 
    og gleðilegs árs. 



    Christmas time in the classroom


     We had a lot of fun in a zoom meeting

    with children and teachers from the Lithuanian kindergarten "Pasaka"
    (teachers Armida Baltutytė-Bražienė, Mindaugas Bražas) and  kindergarten "Žiburėlis" (teacher Rima Ručinskienė)