JEOPARDY games about Estonia for our Portuguese partners

  • "So, each one of us had to fill a table in google documents. The table had five sections with the following topics: Geography, History, Landmarks, your topic and miscellaneous. Underneath these topics each one of us put 5 questions related to the topic in each section (25 questions altogether). Then we included the answers to those questions and the source links. After that we worked in pairs and picked 25 best questions from each Google document. Then we used platform and created our games for the Portuguese partners. Thank you for playing the games! We got very positive feedback from the Portuguese partners!" 

    by Ronja


    Dear Portuguese partners

    here are jeopardy games for you. While playing, you will be finding out much useful information about Estonia:


    GAME ONE (by Hanna and Katarina)

    GAME TWO (by Carmen and Paula)

    GAME THREE (by Konrad)

    GAME FOUR (by Uku and Johan)

    GAME FIVE (by Irma and Victoria)

    GAME SIX (by Ronja and Victoria S)