1. Project plan

  • Reorganizing the plan - draft



    Experimental Primary School of Serres "K. Karamanlis";class D1, Address: Konstantinou Paleologou 22, Serres 621 25 Greece
    Maria Anagnostidou

    OGS St. Marien-Schule, eTwinning AG, Kirschenallee 100, 47443 Moers, Germany
    Barbara Klaassen

    Școala Gimnazială Nr. 29
    Strada Strungarilor Nr. 7A, 800867, Galați, Romania
    Alina Marilena Budulean

    Short description

    Flying is a fascinating topic. But how is it possible to fly? Is it magic?
    A good question! The project begins with hands-on activities on how airplane-wings create lift, which involves a discussion of air pressure and how wings use Bernoulli's principle to change air pressure. Students use paper wings and airplanes  to demonstrate these principles. Students learn about different kinds of airplanes and build airplane models in teams. Finally students use their imagination and creativity and design the aircrafts of the future.


    Students will improve many skills. They will:
    o improve their English
    o learn new things about life  in other schools, countries
    o learn how to oragnize their work in teams
    o learn how to use digital tools in an appropriate way
    o learn in collaboration with other European students
    o investigate about flight and aviation
    o explore the forces of aviation
    o enjoy collaboration and create common products
    o co-ceate aircraft models and stop motion flights
    Teachers will exchange teaching methods and learn from each other. We will enhance our digital skills, which is very important these days.

    Work process


    Videoconference Teacher for project planning

    Finding a good moment

    Setting up Barbara

    Videoconference teacher  team

    Project registration


    Maria & Barbara

    Exchange of school addresses



    Exchange of school calendars (common project calendar)


    Setting up Barbara

    Filling teacher team

    Information of parents and the school community


    Each partner responsible for itself

    Pupils invitation in twinspace 

    single or class accounts:

    first name.city, or class.city

    E.g. those from Schule am Bienenhaus in Rheinberg



    Project start with the pupils

    Introducing the topic, visiting the twinspace ….

    pupils / teacher

    Internet safety

    Password / netiquette / copyright

    pupils / teacher


    Where are the partners from


    pupils / teacher

    Setting up an eTwinning wall in school

    Sharing photos from in twinspace

    pupils / teacher

    Introduction of kids by photo(es) / videos 

    Sharing in twinspace - on a twinboard Please announce in blog, so everybody can notice without scanning the whole twinspace


    Hot air / cold air

    Hot air balloons






    Hands on activities:
    Warm air is bigger than cold air

    Warm air rises


    Logo competition

    • Design your hot air balloon as logo for our project

    rules to be decided:

    •  National round

    • International round …



    Why do they fly?
    Bernoulli effect / Coanda effect



    Hands on activities

    https://t1p.de/hptk  especially end of the video - German

    English: https://youtu.be/aFO4PBolwFg

    German: https://youtu.be/Y5j_r4Qkt0U 


    Christmas / New Year Greetings

     Christmas Video Conference?



    Each group send minimum one Christmas/New year card to each partner - parcels would be better

    Video conferences one by one (perhaps)


    January / February/March/ April

    Paper airplanes






    Fold and share crafting instructions and try the versions of partners

    (Perhaps we can have a video conference where one partner teaches the other to fold)


    Real airplanes





    Powered aircraft



    Videoconference of teachers

    Further planning



    • Evaluation


    The entire project work and the products are consistently documented in the twinspace. Children should always have the opportunity to visit the twinspace and comment there. Very important here: the topic netiquette and also the secure password.

    The supervising teachers visit the twinspace (except during school holidays) at least once a week.

    Expected results

    Participants will gain knowledge, enhance digital and social competences, realise that we are all members of the European Community and we learn together having as our main goal a better world for everyone.  Trough the project we connect with other students and teachers and become friends.
    Trough the project we strengthen the European character of our schools.
    This project will also enhance the STEM orientation of our schools.