More ideas

  • Here some ideas I found on the web.

    Some of them are very interesting. I thick the ones I would like to do in primary school. have a look and thick.


    Ways schools can celebrate Europe Day


    �� Children dress in the colours of the flag  of Europe X(Saronno)


    �� Hold an assembly on the meaning of Europe Day. X(Saronno)


    �� Arrange a European lunch provided by the canteen or the children.


    �� Read stories from other countries in the literacy hour – Hans Christian Andersen stories from Denmark: Pied Piper of Hamlin, Germany… X(Saronno)


    �� Video conference with children in another European country.


    �� Email children in a partner school asking them how they are celebrating Europe Day. X(Saronno)


    �� Learn simple words of another language: Ciao, Hello, Ola… X(Saronno)(also preprimary)


    �� Start a European map marking the countries of origin or holiday destinations of children. Make a graph of results. X(Saronno)



    �� Design a poster for a European country. X(Saronno)


    �� Sing the Europe Anthem X(Saronno)


    �� Look at European football teams – who is in the Champions League?


    �� Art from across Europe – Gaudi in Spain, Impressionism from France, Van Gogh from Netherlands  may be


    �� Produce a collage with scenes from across Europe, using postcards, food labels, brochures, recipes, tickets, and maps.


    �� Make models of European landmarks: Eiffel Tower, Coliseum, Channel Tunnel, and Leaning Tower of Pisa X(Saronno)


    �� Make a Europe notice board/display. X(Saronno)


    �� Invite foreign nationals to speak in class or assembly.


    �� Decorate each classroom as a different country.


    �� Label parts of the school in different languages.


    �� Hold a "Europe" quiz   a(X Saronno)