The experience started with a pedagogical project which aimed at creating links on 2 subjects between English and Risk prevention in Health and Environment.
I decided to expand this project scale by collaborating with European partners in the eTwinning program. To optimize our collaboration, we have been creating a mutual relationship with different partners from Turkey in order to develop and promote cultural diversity in the fields of the professional world and daily life with its traditions and its culture.
This project will enable our students to enhance their knowledge about Europe , to have great cohesion with European partners, as well as to endorse European values such as tolerance , mutual understanding, promotion of peace, respect and human rights.So, the notion of citizenship will be dealt throughout this project Our students will become future citizens and my mission is to make them think about it .
Thanks to our exchanges, students are going to be encouraged to introduce themselves,to deal with their interests ,their country and their future job.
They will improve their language proficiency as well as their digital skills .
In the classroom, they will learn to collaborate in working on some assigned tasks with new foreign students.
Furthermore, they will take responsibility, they will gain autonomy and increase confidence in using the English language as a future lorry driver.
This project will be led with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm from all of us!