"The lack of social justice means that the future prospects of children in different parts of the world are very different.All people have common basic needs, which translate into fundamental human rights: the right to self-identity, to survival, to education, to express ourselves freely and to be treated with dignity and respect, for example". ( UNICEF, 2022).
Work "World Day of Social Justice" is essential fro our students and our society for today and for the future. Share those situations which need to be improved and changed to make the world a fairer place. Invite and share this link with parents, colleagues, students, etc. to create a wall of social change that we can all learn from.
For more information about this day:
https://internationaleventday.com/event/world-day-of-social-justice/ _ English
https://www.unicef.es/educa/dias-mundiales/dia-mundial-de-la-justicia-social _ Spanish