About The Project

  • Our project involves students aged from 7 to 11. Students will learn about history, geography, foreign language, culture heritages and literature. Chosen language is English. The project starts with research about "why people need castles at the past?" We want to understand and explain why these castles were built and we will introduce our historic structures.The second study includes a question; "Do we need castles today?" We will turn our faces to "eTwinning as a Castle" with "eSafety issue" and to "Our homes" in pandemic time. As a third step we will have some workshops of future castles, that will be built for some reasons such as epidemic, pandemic or climate change. In the light of all information, we will ask our students write a story and imagine, plan, describe and draw their own castles. During the project time October to May, our outcomes are; research ebook, presentation video.