Working on mediawiki

  • Working on mediawiki

    Students from A Coruña introducing idioms in Mediawiki

    Mediawiki is the software used by Wikipedia, so our wiki will be very similar to it.


    Our "Data Adding Team"(One student from each Turkish team) is adding data on mediawiki cooperatively.

    teams of students uploading proverbs to the wiki page-Colegiul "Petru Maior" - Romania

    students were divided into teams and they introduced the proverbs. They had the prework to look at the tutorials made for this stage

    Tribute to Ukrania

    The students of this project wanted to pay tribute to Ukraine and peace. To do this, some have included in our wiki several Ukrainian idioms with their literal translation and real meaning while others have made the illustrations.

    Drawing competition (A Coruña school)

    Galician team organizes a drawing competition open to all the students of the school. In this way, they make contact with the project. By the end of April we will scan the drawings and we will put into the wiki. They are making drawings for Spanish, Galician and Ucrainian idioms.

    The text of the poster "Este concurso pinta ben" is also a Galician idiom, literally means "This competition draws well" but its real meaning is "This competition seems to be a good idea". The final text "...e ti tamén" means "and also you draw well".


    some of our drawings

    Creating the idiom drawings and uploading them to Mediawiki (Basque students)

    Basque students were really motivated when creating the drawings for their idioms.

    Truth is they were very creative, because sometimes it can be hard to express the meaning of an abstract idiom into a drawing.

    Uploading their work to Mediawiki was a little frightening to them in the beginning, as this tool was new for them.

    However, in the end, they were happy to see they could actually manage to upload their work to the platform.

    Students from Catalonia working on mediawiki

    Students love challenges. They are so used to Wikipedia that they thought that uploading our idioms would be easy as a pie, but when they started, they discovered that it wasn't. However, after uploading the second one, it really was.
    It had really become a cross-discipline activity since Catalan and Arts have also been involved, and students have always worked cooperatively.