The plan of activities

  • The plan of activities


    The project will be short-term, focused on activities to celebrate European Day of languages. It will last about 4 - 6 weeks.

    1/ Each team introduce country, town, school, team.

    2/ Logo contest.

    3/ Creating Wordbank of useful words in English and all partner countries together, each school 5 – 6 phrases,  words,.... At each school pupils will play with them to get to know them better.

    Then each school create the quiz and during international videoconferences or only online we will play and solve them.

    4/ Creating posters, cards, pictures or some other artworks using different word in foreign languages or with short greetings to the European Day of languages and put in twinspace. Each school will create various international collages and published them in twinspace. We could print some pictures and create collages or notice boards at each school to promote the results of our project.

    5/ Each school can do some own activities, create the video or photos and share them in twinspace: For example - organize festival, games, sing songs in various languages, say the poems, dance dances and do the poster together: map, flags, typical sports, meals, words in different languages. We´d like to share the ideas.

    6. We will share all materal, we will talk about activities in twinspace – forum..