the 4th ACTIVITY - description

  • Number 1: Sport in my country - mindmaps shared on Twinspace

    Number 2: Photo drawing - imitating some sport activities, but there won´t be any balls, any skis, any nets and we will send photos to our partners who will draw into these photos and make them more interesting... finally we will share the remade photos here on Twinspace.

    Spain sending photos to SLovakia 

    Slovakia to Italy

    Italy to Spain

    UNFORTUNATELY, today the Czech Rep. announced they won´t be able to continue the project because of COVID19, they are more often than the others on distance learning and often pupils in a quarantine.

    Number 3: complete the worksheet about one famous sport celebrity from each country. Then speak about him or her and the teacher will record your speaking.

    worksheet SPORT celebrity.docx