Evaluation Results

  • Dear eTwinners,


    In this part, we will interpret our project evaluations. Here you can see where we started from and where we are now.  All the evaluation process will be interpreted by teachers together.


    Our post project survey results:

    1-Which one can be used to create a logo?

    27 % participants answered correctly. I think most of them used "canva" as a logo tool. 


    2- What is netiquette?

    More than half of the participants answered correctly. We can say we learned about netiquette.


    3- Choose the best option for you. How do you feel about yourself using these tools or platforms? (Canva - Twinspace - Blooket - Blogger -Logo apps)

    Almost all participants think that they are good at using canva. Only 2 participants said they needed help while using canva.

    Almost all participants think that they are good at twinspace. Only 3 participants said they needed help while using twinspace.

    Half of the participants  think that they are good at using blooket and other half of them think they need help while using blooket.

    75% of the participants think that thye are good at logo apps and 25% of them thinks they need help.


    These results seem good because we have many new starters students. Almost 80% of the students were new at eTwinning.


    4- What should we do while using internet? (Choose all options you agree)

    Most of the participants chose the best options according to the e-safety rules. Some of them voted for some negative statements but it can be because of the language. (English is not their first language)


    5-What is your role in a team? (Choose your opinions)

    8% of the participants don't like working and %6 of them don't like working in teams but other participants, 94% of them, said they work in teams. So team spirit and collaboration goals are achieved.


    6 - Would you like to work on an eTwinning project next year?

    65% participants said no and almost %21 participants said maybe. This is a good percentage. Most of the participants are new. 


    7 - What do you think about this project?

    More than %75 of the particiopants like the project. Only five participants said they don't like it. It is a good number for us. 


    8 - Final comments:

    There are 74 comments and only 7 of them were not good comments (They are punctuation marks or "I don't know")

    It is good for the project.


    Our Meeting evaluations


    At least one student and one teacher from each team participated in our final meeting. Their comments were nice and kind. They want to work with us again. They mentioned how they like this project, the opportunities and fun sides of the project. It was a success for us. We have at least 60 new eTwinner students.


    Evaluation padlet evaluations


    All teachers and students seem glad and happy to be a part of this team. Parents think their children learned a lot. It was a good impact.