Read me a Book

Many times, reading is considered as bothersome or something done only for school and homework. With this project we would like to nourish love towards reading and develop creativity and critical thinking skills when talking about books in English. Goal is to read three books during the duration of the project and to discuss/present the books using social media, creative work (posters, role-play, etc.) and various online tools (Padlet, Canva, etc.). Students will share their ideas, thoughts and discuss problems or characters in certain books with their partners from other countries using English as ligua franca. They will be working towards developing their communicative competences, reading, speaking, writing and listening skills in English. Also, they will have the opportunity to share their ideas with pupils from different countries and gain insight into their literature, and their tradition. They will have the opportunities to share opinions and make "reading buddies" for life.

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