SENart therapy (Special Educational Needs)


Art therapy is a successful form of education for special needs students with learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism, Down syndrome or other issues. This type of therapy can be considered a psychotherapeutic service. It allows kids to express themselves in non-verbal ways through the use of art tools. This form of expression provides a way for the child to communicate things they simply cannot say in words. The project is aimed for students with Special Educational Needs aged 7-14. Students will use activities of painting, clay modeling, construction tools, music, dance, physical play, board and water games, puppets, technology. Children will be encouraged to express their feelings through the art they create in their sessions. They also will have the chance to learn social skills, gain cognitive development, acquire coping mechanisms by eliminating frustrations and practice sensory-motor skills.This process will gives them a sense of accomplishment and builds their self-confidence.

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