The Keys to open the castle door and free Earth at last.
Add the picture of just the Key.
Margarida Paim will prepare an ebook or virtual exhibition and upload them
Do not forget to add your name, school and country.
We saved our world.Our key.
Our key
Our heroes! successfully completed its mission. With this key, the world was liberated.
The Key
The key to free Earth is finished.
This is Class A key. We got the last piece this Monday!
We saved the Earth!
Class B got the key this Wednesday!
Our Key
We did it!!!
We did it!!! Our heroes have successfully completed all missions.
This is our key with completed challenges
Our heroes made it! The 6 Chalenges are Accomplised and the puzzle of the key is finally done.
Kindergarten 25 Warsaw PolandOur key with 6 compleated challenges
Our Key :)
Our key is finally complete! Time to save Earth!
This is our key to open the castle door! We are so happy!!!!
Our key!
We proudly present you our Key!
YES!Our World is now SAFE!