The Keys -Virtual exhibition

  • The Keys to open the castle door and free Earth at last.





    Add the picture of just the Key.

    Margarida Paim   will prepare an ebook or virtual exhibition and upload them

    Do not forget to add your name, school and country.

  • The Keys.

    Nafiye SICACIK Efeler Zübeyde Hanmı Anaokulu Aydın /TÜRKİYE

    We saved our world.Our key.

    Başak Yılmaz/ Efeler Zübeyde Hanım Anaokulu /Aydın / TURKEY

    Our key

    Fatma YAŞA - Borsa İstanbul Fatih Primary School BİNGÖL/ TÜRKİYE

    Our heroes! successfully completed its mission. With this key, the world was liberated.

    Barbara Trivelli IC Giovanni XXIII Sc Inf San Michele, Italy

    Our key

    Nimet KAYA ÖZEN Piri Mehmet Paşa Primary School
    Stavroula Alexiou-145th Kindergarten of Athens-Greece

    Our key

    Anania Oana/Kindergarten with extended program Dumbrava Minunată, Romania

    The Key

    Evanthia Panayi,Dimosio Nipiagogeio Arediou, Cyprus

    The key to free Earth is finished.

    ALICIA PÉREZ CEIP Cesáreo Alierta Zaragoza (Spain)

    This is Class A key. We got the last piece this Monday!

    Mine SERHAT Atatürk İlkokulu Ortaca-MUĞLATÜRKİYE
    CEI Virgen de Cortes - Valencia, Spain

    We saved the Earth!

    ALICIA PÉREZ CEIP Cesáreo Alierta Zaragoza (Spain)

    Class B got the key this Wednesday!

    Merve Aksoy-Sabriye Toksoy Anaokulu-Antalya-Turkey

    Our Key

    Stamou Ioanna-6th kindergarten of Egaleo, Greece

    We did it!!!

    Anthoula Zissi - 7th Kindergarten of Veria (Greece)

    We did it!!!
    Our heroes have successfully completed all missions.

    Marija Tisanić and Lidija Grobenski, Kindergarten “Malešnica”, Croatia

    This is our key with completed challenges

    Margarida Paim - EBI Praia da Vitória - Azores, Portugal
    Dimitra Aggelakoudi, Maria Stamataki, Irene Vasilaki, Dimitra Papadaki-7th Kindergarten of Ierapetra -(Greece)

    Our heroes made it! The 6 Chalenges are Accomplised and the puzzle of the key is finally done.

    Şükran Yenigelen -Cemil Şükrü Çolakoğlu Primary School- Defne/Hatay/ Turkey

    Our Key

    Anna Pawłowska-Niedbała

    Kindergarten 25 Warsaw Poland
    Our key with 6 compleated challenges

    Isabel Mota - EB1/JI Pare Lino Vieira Fagundes - Azores, Portugal

    Our Key :)

    Maria Petrou, Koinotiko Nipiagogeio Arediou, Cyprus

    Our key is finally complete! Time to save Earth!

    Dorina Topan, Floresti Kindergarten, Cluj County, Romania

    Our key

    Eleni Holidou-9th Kindergarten of Ampelokipi Thessaloniki Greece-class 2

    This is our key to open the castle door! We are so happy!!!!


    Our key!

    Effi Kiriazidou, 2nd Kindergarten of Lagyna, Thessaloniki-Greece
    Dora Avgeri-4th Kindergarten of Lykovrisi, Athens-Greece

    We proudly present you our Key!

    Elif Doğan- Hacivat Karagöz Kindergarten/ Mersin-Turkey

    Our key

    Kleopatra Mantzourani_7th Kindergarten of Koropi

    We saved our world.Our key.

    Kleopatra Mantzourani_7th Kindergarten of Koropi, Athens - GREECE

    Our World is now SAFE!