10. - Dissemination of the project

  • Dissemination of the project

    facebook public group
    Srednja škola Petrinja

    Aktivnosti učenika 1.c razreda u projektu

    Srednja škola Petrinja

    Aktivnosti učenika 1.c razreda u projektu na temu mir

    Srednja škola Petrinja

    Aktivnosti učenika 1. c razreda objavljene su i na facebook stranici škole

    School of Fine Arts at the Festival of Science, May 2-7, 2022

    festival theme: LIFE

    School of Fine Arts at the Festival of Science, May 2-7, 2022

    festival theme: LIFE

    Srednja škola Petrinja

    Aktivnosti u projektu

    Perislava Bešić-Smlatić, Srednja škola Ivana Lucića-Trogir
    School of Fine Arts, Split, Croatia

    We are celebrating eTwinning Day and presenting our project
    Public exhibition at the School

    School of Fine Arts Split

    On Europe Day, 9 May, we have prepared a school exhibition with all the eTwinning projects we have implemented this school year.

    Željka Milošević Paro - School of Fine Arts Split

    At the 2nd International Conference on Art Education on May 26 and 27, Željka Milošević Paro gave a lecture "Creativity as a challenge within the eTwinning project FROM MY POINT OF VIEW

    Perislava Bešić-Smlatić, Srednja škola Ivana Lucića-Trogir
