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    "For Earth Day 2022, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). It’s going to take all of us." Read more: https://www.earthday.org/

    Use the TwinBoard below to add your results or comments.

    Quizzes: click on the picture ⤵⤵⤵


    What was the Bauhaus movement?

    The New European Bauhaus is a movement based on sustainability, accessibility and aesthetics to bring the European Green Deal closer to people and make recycling, renewable energies and biodiversity natural. A combination of sustainability with good design (culture and art). Aesthetics, sustainability and inclusion are crucial to address current socio-economic and environmental challenges. 

    • Enriching, inspired by art and culture, responding to needs beyond functionality.
    • Sustainable, in harmony with nature, the environment, and our planet. 
    • Inclusive, encouraging a dialogue across cultures, disciplines, genders and ages. https://europa.eu/new-european-bauhaus/index_en

    What is the New European Bauhaus? Students from Koldo Mitxelena have started this Jamboard and invite you to complete it. After watching the video, can you explain what the Bauhaus was and the new one is? Click on the link or the picture to see the results.

    3. INTERNATIONAL TEAMS' FORUMS (Deadline: first week in May)

    • How do we see the new Bauhaus?
    • How can we create beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive spaces for learning?

    First, remember where you belong to:
    Who is in my team?

    Then, join your team 🔽🔽🔽 to complete your task in the forums.

     plants, animals, nature     LINK  fashion and design                 LINK
     medicine, health, sport    LINK  art & street art    LINK
     social justice                     LINK  writing, poetry, reading   LINK
     technology LINK  music


     history LINK  a lot things and films LINK
  • Earth Day Quizzes

    Which quiz did you choose?

    Any surprising answer?


    I didn't know lot of these facts and they are very interesting. For example who came up with the idea for the Earth Day.

    Regenerative Agriculture

    My resoults in this quiz were a litte bit low because Regenerative Agriculture is something I have never deal with.

    Climate Change Quizz- Oihane

    The question that surprised me the most was the one of the hottest years. Since we were in a global pandemic, I would never have said that 2020 was one of the hottest years, and that surprised me a lot.
    OIhane KM

    Climate change Quiz - Amaia

    This has been the question that surprised me: The effects of the green house. I didn't know what exactly the function of the green house was.

    Upcycled Food Quiz

    I got an 11 out of 13. It really surprised me the amount of food that is wasted by supermarkets every day, I didn't expect the number to be so big.
    Alaia KM

    What kind of student activist are you?

    I chose this quiz because I wanted to know the result and because I wanted to know how to be more helpful.
    Mayi KM

    My opinion about the climate change quiz

    The quiz I chose was "CLIMATE CHANGE QUIZ". I found it interesting and I learned things I didn't know. For example, I was surprised that in the "Paris Agreement" that came out of COP-21 (held in Paris in 2015), it was agreed to keep the global temperature increase well below 2℃ pre-industrial levels and to follow a pathway to limit warming to 1.5℃.

    Unai F, KM


    I didn't imagine that the deforestation produces more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than the sum of all the cars and trucks that drive on the world’s roads.

    Iker KM 1.C

    The Results

    I tried to do it thinking but I didn't know a lot of the facts that are in the quiz. In my opinion, it is very interesting. For example, what was the purpose of the National Environmental Education Act passed by Congress in 1990?
    Eneko KM

    Clean Energy Quiz

    I chose this quiz because i want to know how much I know about this subject.
    Aketza KM

    The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by humans?

    From this question I have learned that the biggest problem of climate change is humans, and that even knowing that with a little effort from all of us we can change the situation, and even then we don't, it seems quite sad to me.
    Laura KM

    In 2019, about how much of the United States' energy consumption derived from renewable sources?

    I found it very interesting that the United States' energy consumption from renewable sources was only 11% in 2019.

    Andoni E KM

    Climate change- Ekaitz KM

    I didn't know that electricity and heat production emits more greenhouse gases than industry. This quiz has been very entertaining and I recommend it.

    Climate Change Quiz

    I have chosen this quiz because of curiosity and I have been surprised by the porcentages of contamination that things have and the little importance that is given to what is really important.
    Naila KM


    What surprised me most about both the video and the test is that the United States Congress passed a law to introduce ecology and environmental education in their schools.

    Climate Change Quiz

    I've chosen the Climate Change Quiz, because I had seen it the most interesting one. I was surprised by this question because I had heard about the Paris Agreement but I didn't know that they agreed to limit sea levelrise 3 feet above current levels.

    What is known as the "Sixth Extinction"?

    I didn't know what the "Sixth extinction" was until I answered the question in the quiz. In my opinion, it is a very interesting quizz and it can help you to understand how we are destroying the planet.
    Mikel A. KM


    I've done the quiz about the Climate Change and I'm so impressed. There are a lot of facts that I didn't know. Was surprising to me to know that the 14% of the toxic gases are emitted by automobiles.

    Juan KM

    Climate change quiz

    I have chosen this test to know a little more about climate change and how to avoid it. Andoni R

    Climate change Quiz

    The quiz I chose was "Climate Change Quiz". I dindn't know the results of most of the questions. I found it very interisting, I have learned new things, for example, china emits mor CO2 than USA, UK and Russia.

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    I chose this quiz because I'm interested in sustainable fashion and all the impact fast fashion has on our planet. I think the question that surprised me the most was the one about how much water it takes to make a pair of jeans, I know I've heard the number before but it always surprises me how much it is. I also didn't know that when you wash polyester it releases microplastics, it's crazy how much pollution is caused by that.
    Iratze KM

    Invest In Our Planet

    This was the question which surprised me. "What are ways an individual can reduce their footprint?". We have a lot of ways to invest in our planet, and some people is not able to do anyone.

    Oihan G, KM

    Regenerative Agriculture Quiz

    Before doing this test I didn't know a lot about this type of agriculture but know I can say that I learned something.
    Unai R - KM

    Climate Change Quizz - Iraia K

    I didn't know that China was the country that emitted the most carbon dioxide. Now I know a lot more things about climate change than before.
    Iraia K.

    Climate Change Quiz

    The questionnaire I have chosen is "Climate Change Quiz". I thought I didn't know much and that I was going to get several questions wrong but surprisingly I only got one wrong. I found it very interesting to take this quiz and I learned new things, for example, China is currently the top emitter of carbon dioxide, accounting for 28% of global carbon emissions. The United States ranks as the second top emitter at 15%.
    Irati B, KM

    I am a bee

    I decided to do a Bee quiz and I was surprised with the result. Apparently, I can be a bee in my future because I know so many things about them. I enjoy doing the quizz and learning about these small animals.
    Edurne KM

    Results of Nature and Happiness Quiz

    I didn't know too much about nature things that make us happy, so that's the reason why I have chosen this quiz. The question that surprised me the most was "How much time spent per week in natural spaces will allow the average person to feel an improvement in physical health and psychological well-being?". The answer to it is 2 hours and that surprised me a lot.

    Climate change quiz

    I think that we must be informed about these facts because it is important to know what is causing global warming. The only one that I did wrong was the hottest years one because I thought that the pandemic helped the environment. That is why I was surprised by the fact that it was one of the hottest years.


    Even though I didn't know some answers I know many of them. There is an answer that I found very interesting, that is about solar energy. They say that solar energy is the fastest growing renewable energy, when I read the question I think that is geothermal energy.
    Esther KM

    Climate change quizz

    I chose this quiz because I thought I knew something but on some things I was a bit confused as I am not fully informed. I learnt things like that the biggest emission of gas into the atmosphere comes from electricity and that the emission of gas from transport is 14% and not 33%.

    Uxue G. KM 1.A

    Plastic Pollution Quiz

    I didn't know these facts and I was very surprised by this answer, since I didn't imagine that the Americans could use so much plastic per day (500 million straws).
    Oier KM 1ºA

    Climate Change Quizz

    I have chosen this quiz because I think that we must know more things about how we can change what is happening in the world and the consequences that bring climate change.


    Climate change quizz

    I have chosen this quiz because I wanted to know what is happening in the world, and it calls my attention how it affects climate change.
    Aroa KM

    Bee quiz

    The quiz that I have chosen is about bees. I have learnt new things about it and one of the questions has surprised me. In nature there are 25.000 species of bees and this is incredible, There are a lot of bees! When I read those questions.
    Asier Km

    Whale Conservation Quiz

    Honestly, I have been very surprised by the simple fact that whales can live more than twice as long as humans. The oldest ones are able to live for 200 years! This is a simple sign that tells us that we, humans, are not the only ones in this world and we cannot take over the world because there are species that endure much more than us on this planet.
    Haizea dM KM

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    I chose this quiz because I like the topic and I am informed about it. Even so I'm surprised by all the environmental damage that causes the industry of clothing.
    Nora- KM

    Climate Change Quiz

    I have done two quizizz, but this is the most like to me.
    The question "Globally, which of the following economic sectors emits the largest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions?" surprised me because I didn't know what could be and I thought it was the industry, but the answer was the one I thought least because it was the electricity and heat production, so I learn other thing about climate change.

    Maialen KM 1.A

    Earth Day quizzes

    Earth day quizzes
    I have a great time doing this quiz, I learned a lot and I enjoy a lot competing with my classmate Haizea. The questions where interesting and we realize about the big problem that this suposse.

    Protect our species

    All the answers were devastating, sometimes I think that we are some kind of black infection all along a beautiful paradise in harmony with everything.
    Gailur R.A. KM 1ºA

    What kind of student activist are you ?

    I choose these quizz to know how can I help more and because I want to be more active in the environmental topic.
    Naiara KM - 1A

    Regenerative Agriculture Quiz

    I wanted to make this quiz to learn a little more about Regenerative Agriculture. I have to say that the questions were more difficult than I expected. It was a different way to have fun competing against my partner and at the same time learn new things.
    Haizea L KM

    Nature and Happiness Quiz

    I have chosen this quiz because I wanted to know more about nature and the questions have surprised me a lot. I have learned that understanding our relationship with the environment is important for both our individual health and the planet's as well.
    Joana KM

    The New European Bauhaus

    We invite you to share what you understood about the New European Bauhaus on this Jamboard

    Climate change quizz

    The quiz I have chosen was the "climate change quiz". KI dind't know the answers of most of the questions. I found it interesting. I have learned new thing, for example that China emits more CO2 than UK, USA or Russia.
    Uxue del Castillo- KM

    Climate Change Quiz

    I got 8 out of 10. So I knew most of the facts in the quiz but to me there were a few suprising ones. Like that our energy production causes the most emissions.

    Climate Change Quiz - Austria

    I really liked the quiz. It was very interesting and I learned a lot of new informations. For example that we waste so much food. And That the sea level is rising everyday. It was fun!

    Leonie, 2B

    Climate Change quiz - Austria

    I liked the quiz. I think its very intresting that the transportation sector emit 14% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. I didn't know that to be honest. - Anna T. 2BHW

    Environmental lieracy quiz

    I learnt a lot of new things and it was very interesting to do the quiz. I didn't knor some of the answers so I had to google some.
    Vanessa D, Wi'Mo Klagenfurt Austria

    Fashion Quiz

    It was a very interesting quiz. I am frightened of how many I got right.
    Frederic Fritz 2 BHW

    Fashion quiz

    I choose this one because I wanted to learn more about fashion. Some answers I didn`t expected and I was a little bit shocked.
    Mariella, Austria

    Invest in our planet quiz

    It was an interesting quiz with many fact i didn't know about
    Kira M 2BHW

    Invest in our Planet

    Livia Miller-Aichholz 2BHW
    I learned many new things and learn about the earth day. It was really interesting.

    Climate Change Quizz

    It was a nice Quiz, but some things shocked me, like that 2020 was the hottest year. A nice thing is that many states trying to switch to green electricity.
    David 2BHW

    Invest In Our Planet Quiz

    I didn't know a lot of these facts. I mostly guessed it and fortunately everything was right. I learned a lot when I took this quiz. The facts were all very interesting.

    Isabelle M, 2BHW

    Fashion Quiz

    I have chosen the fashion quiz and it was very interesting. I learned a lot new facts and got a lot of more information.
    Hannah, Austria 2B

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    I found it very interesting, that we wear clothes just 7-10 times, I thought it must be much more.

    Stefanie Napetschnig, Wimo Austria

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    It was a very interesting quiz and there were many new facts.

    Elma J, 2BHW

    Protect our Species Quiz

    I took this quiz because I know a lot about animals that are in danger because of people's actions. It's really sad to see that our children and grandchildren won't get the chance to see some majestic animals like rhinos, elephants or giraffes.

    Sustainable Fashion Quiy

    It was very interesting, i learned a lot of new things.
    Anna L. 2BHW

    Clean energy

    I already knew that clothing was a major polluting sector, but I would never have imagined that it was a major cause of deforestation: It is clear that we have to come up with a solution to stop this kind of thing.

    Ander G

    Whale conservation quiz

    I started the quiz because I've always liked whales and I actually ended up learning a lot of things I didn't know, especially about their tremendous environmental impact.


    I think that it's a so big problem actually, but the big empresses that gets a lot of money contaminating all the world are not interested saving it, becouse for when they die, the world will continue alive, but they dont think on the next generations. I hear sometimes on TV that they are planing things.. But i don't see the alert that it should be.
    Unai Pr KM


    I chose this questionnaire because I wanted to know how supportive I am and because I wanted to know how to be more helpful. Because we always ask ourselves how we can continue to help.
    Oier N. KM

    Clean energy Quizz- Uxue

    An answer that surprised me is the one that says that only the 11% energy consumption derives from renewable sources in the United States. I thought it would be more, at least the 50%.
    Uxue M KM

    Climate change quiz

    I didn't know some of the things that appeared in the quiz but the one which surprised me the most was that the percentage of the global greenhouse gas emissions that the transportation sector emits is the %14.


    I was very surprised by the results because I thought I knew more about it and one result that really surprised me was the question of how much water is needed to make a garment. In return for this quiz I learned a lot about sustainable fashion.

    Climate change quizz- Ibai U.

    I'm impressed with some of the questions, but the one that surprised me the most was the one of the consequences of climate change. I didn't know all of them and I think our society is really uninformed about it. We have to do something to stop this because it is getting very dangerous.
    Ibai U. KM

    Sustainable fashion

    At first I knew something about the topic but I didn't expect to know so much to get 9/10 questions right. The truth is that I find the topic interesting.

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    I have chosen this quiz because I have been more into fashion lately and I wanted to learn about how to get more sustainable clothes and that way I can help the environment.
    Egoitz KM

    Sustainable Fashion

    I have completed the test of the sustainable fashion and I have learnt a lot of things about what I can do to help the planet. I have chosen this test because I like all the things related to clothing. I didn't even imagine making some clothes can waste so much water.

    Naroa K.M. 1.B

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    I have chosen this quiz because I am interested in sustainable fashion. Doing this quiz, I have learnt that we buy a lot of unnecessary clothes and that our consumerism has a big impact on the environment. We should change our habits and reuse what we have at home.
    Joane KM

    Sustainable Fashion results

    I love fashion, so I had chosen this test because of that. In the test one answer called me the attention. It's said that the girls normally don't use one clothes more than 10 times. I don't agree with that because in my environment we use it more times than 7-10.
    Irati KM 1B

    Results of the test.

    On the test I failed two question answers because I didn't know the exact number of animals that are being killed everyday. But, other question answers I knew because I like a lot animals and I think it is a big issue that we need to fix with collaboration.
    Marko, KM

    Upcycled Foods Quiz

    I start this quiz because I like food. I didn't know lot of these facts and they are very interesting.
    Ekaitz Rodriguez

    Upcycled foods quiz

    I decided to take this quiz because it caught my attention, the first few questions seemed easy, but from the middle onwards they were very difficult. In the end I found it very interesting and I learnt a lot of things.
    Lander 1.B


    I didn't know about most of the facts that appeared in the quiz, and I found them very interesting. I was particularly surprised to learn of the serious consequences of not recycling clothes, for example, that textile workers in Bangladesh earn $95 a month, or that 170 milion children are forced to work in degrading conditions. I find it shameful.
    Eider, KM

    Plastic Pollution Quiz- Blanca

    I've done the "Plastic Pollution Quiz" and I've learned so many things, for example I didn't know that they use so much plastic straws per day in America.

    Sustainable Fashion

    When I was doing the quiz, I thought I wouldn't get so many points because I didn't expect to know so much about the topic. I'm surprised about how much I know about clothes and fashion. I would like many people to know about this topic because I believe it is a very interesting topic.
    Romaisae KM


    Climate change it's a big problem now a day. We pollute a lot and in my opinion, we have to take action and stop it. I chose this quiz because I love nature and I'm very aware of the damage suffered in nature.

    Amaiur- KM

    Clean Energy Quiz

    I have chosen this quiz because it has called my attention and after reading it I can say that I have found it interesting because you can learn new things about renewable energies like which are those, which countries will use only 100% renewable energy and more interesting things.
    Markel L KM

    Climate Change Quiz

    I have chosen this quiz because I wanted to know more about climate change. It is important to know about this fact, because climate change is created by humans. The quiz explained to me more things and now I know more about it.


    I think that climate change is a big problem and I always hear on TV plans to curb climate change, but big business don't put in practice these plans

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    I got 10/10 right. I didn't expect to know so much about this topic. Just manufacturing polyester clothing releases millions of microfibers into the sea and it's bad, we also waste tons of water when washing them and not even 1% of the fabric we use is recycled.

    Rongrong KM


    I chose this test, because I think that the change come since the individual education, if we have respect to nature, we can live in peace.
    Oihan B 1B

    Climate change

    Climate change is such a very important issue and both companies and states, well, and also individual people. Obviously all social struggles are important, but none of them have any sense if we don't have a planet to live in. We are destroying our own planet and it is not any Planet B to occupy, so we have to take responsibility and take care of our planet.

    Climate Change Quiz

    I haven't heard anything about the "Paris Agreement" that came out some years ago in Paris, and I think that doing this agreements may well be helpful for the earth
    Mikel R - Koldo Mitxelena


    I chose "Activism quiz" because I want to know how much I know about this subject and I have learned that if we all contribute something we have a chance to save our planet
    Iraia O, KM


    I didn't know some things but I was lucky and answered them well


    I knew some answers asbout the bees but some of them surprised me

    Climate Change Quiz

    I have chosen this quiz, because I wanted to test my capacities and my knowledge about this. Daniel López 1BC

    Climate Change Quizz-José Ramón

    I have chosen climate change because it is something worrying that everyone should be aware of

    Climate Change Quizz

    I chose this quizz because I think it is a very important theme right now and I wanted to know my knowledges about this-Alejandro Ojeda 1ºBC IesCantabria

    Climate change test

    I didn't know lots of things that appeared in this test, for instance I didn't know cars contribute a 14% emiting CO2 gases. Also, I thought 2020 had a downfall in pollution but apparently was one of the most
    polluting years.
    Estela Cuevas Callejo, Santander.

    Climate Change Quizz- Maialen

    I did this quiz because I wanted to know more about fashion.

    Climate Change Quizz-Irene S.

    I have chosen this quizz because I believe that climate change is a nowadays topic and its very important to take aware of it.

    Climate Change Quiz

    I've done the quiz about the Climate Change. There are a lot of facts that I didn't know and now I have learned them.
    Ana S.


    I did this quiz beacause it seems to me very interesting and curious.


    i had the quiz about the fashion and u was impressed for this "The fashion industry is responsible for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. If it does not accelerate its response to climate change, by 2030 it will produce twice the volume of emissions required to align with Paris Agreement global warming targets."

    Clean Energy Quiz

    I have chosen the quiz about the Clean Energy and have had a decent result despite not knowing much about the subject beforehand. This was a good way of learning.
    Mario R.


    I had the quiz about the climate change and i was i impressed that the awareness for the eco movement has started from a book "Published in 1962, Silent Spring was an extraordinary book that opened the public’s eyes to the dangers of DDT, the first broadly-used synthesized pesticide, to wildlife and human health. Due to the public outcry raised by Silent Spring, DDT was banned in 1972, but the impacts of Carson’s book did not end there. For the first time, the environment became a part of the public consciousness, and more than 50 years later, we see the affects of that as people across the world take up Carson’s banner in the modern-day environmental movement."

    Sustainable Fashion

    I chose this quiz because I was interested in facts about the fashion industry and how it affect the Earth. Certain facts were familiar to me while others suprised like, such as how many liters of water you need to produce 1 pair of jeans. All in all, I'm glad I learn somethins new.

    Tina S

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    I tried out the quiz about sustainable fashion because it's a topic that I'm genuinely interested in. I found out some semi-disturbing and sad facts, which will inforce my will to further educate myself.
    Stella T.

    Sustainable fashion quiz

    I got 4 out of 10. I learned a lot of new facts that I couldn't even imagine are real. There were a lot of surprising answers, for example, it needs to be used more than 3,500 litres of water to make one pair of jeans. The good thing is that there are a lot of ways we can recycle and reuse our old clothes. V.V.

    Sophia, Ilion

    I had the sustainable fashion quiz and I was so negatively impressed. The fact that it takes 3,781 liters of water to make one pair of jeans, from the production of the cotton to the delivery of the finished garment to a store, makes me truly sad. Indeed, textile manufacturing uses 20% of the world’s clean water each year and that leads to many people suffering around the world because of the lack of clean water, which is neccessery for them to survive.


    I had the quiz about fashion and i was very impressed that we wasted so much water on a pair of pants..It takes 3,781 liters of water to make one pair of jeans, from the production of the cotton to the delivery of the finished garment to a store. Textile manufacturing uses 20% of the world’s clean water each year.


    I have the fashion quiz and it made an impression on me The fashion industry is responsible for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. If it does not accelerate its response to climate change, by 2030 it will produce twice the volume of emissions required to align with Paris Agreement global warming targets.

    alexis ilion

    i took the quiz about sustainable fashion and i was impressed from the imformations i learned. But the most impressive information was that Less than 1% of clothing is recycled. The repurposing of textiles is often incorrectly referred to as recycling. They are actually reused by being broken down and made into new products, often insulation or stuffing materials.

    Panagiotis, ilion

    I took the quiz about fashion and I am shocked to read that deforestation occurs when land is cleared for grazing animals that produce leather, wool, and other animal products. Deforestation and overgrazing can cause desertification and soil degradation. With this habitat loss and pollution from production, the fashion industry causes a loss of biodiversity as well. It's a shame to know that fashion is a major part of polution as well as desertification and soil degradation.


    I had the quiz about the fashion and i had learned that "Correct!
    It takes 3,781 liters of water to make one pair of jeans, from the production of the cotton to the delivery of the finished garment to a store. Textile manufacturing uses 20% of the world’s clean water each year."


    I had the fashion quiz and this is impressive "it takes 3,781 liters of water to make one pair of jeans, from the production of the cotton to the delivery of the finished garment to a store. Textile manufacturing uses 20% of the world’s clean water each year."


    I took the Sustainable Fashion Quiz and what struck me the most is the less than 1% of clothing is recycled.

    Climate change quizz - Iva K.

    I chose this quizz because I think that that is a very important topic nowadays. I am not very into it, so my results were bad. I'm surprised that electricity and heat productions emit more emissions than industry.

    Bee quiz

    There are many facts about bees that I heard for the first time. This was an educational and informative quiz, I liked it very much.
    Janja D

    Climate change quiz

    I knew majority of the questions because we just learned about those issues in our chemistry classes. However, there were some facts i didn't know; such as percentage of pollutions and some causes of them.
    Iva M.

    Nature and Happiness Quiz

    I chose this quiz because I'm very interested in nature and how nature affect on happiness. I'm glad that I learn something new.
    Matea F.

    Sustainable fashion quiz

    We chose this quiz because we wanted more information about sustainable fashion. Some questions were interesting and hard.
    Željka & Bruno


    I am well informed about the topic of sustainable fashion. I watched a lot of documentaries on this topic as well as reading more into it. None of the facts really surprised me. Except the fact that some women wear a certain piece for 7 to 10 times.
    Janja M

    Climate Chanque QUiz

    This fact has surprised me a lot, since it was the first time I had heard about it. I wouldn't have guessed that 2020 was one of the hottest year. Because, we were at home so there was supposed to be less pollution and less use of plastic.
    Naroa.C KM

    Climate change Quiz

    This quiz was very interesting and I found some information that I didn't know before. For example, what gases are in the air. And also, in what ways people destroy our planet. I hope that people will do something to save our planet. I hope that our planet will became healthier and safer for next generations.
    Mia Z

    Invest In Our Planet

    I did 7 right in 7 question.I was not a rude person to nature.But after this text I will be more careful.
    bihter, Kanuni, tr

    Climate Change Quizz

    I solved the "climate change quiz". The information surprised me. I had never heard of this information before.
    esma nur Kanuni , TR

    Climate Change Quiz-Sıla Kanuni

    I didn't know that electricity and heat generation emits more greenhouse gases than industry. This exam was very informative for me.

    Plastic Pollution Quız

    I did the plastic pollution test
    I am surprised that people use so much plastic. it's terrible that especially the plastics used are not recycled. I hope people learn more about this. Because in the years to come, this pollution will harm us.
    -Beyza, Kanuni, tr

    Climate Change Quiz-Melek

    I chose the climate change quiz. I learned things that interested me. I was surprised that it was agreed to keep the global temperature well below 2°C and to follow a path.

    climate change test/kanuni tr /Deniz

    After this event, I felt that the world was getting old again. Climate change plays a big role in the world, and we have to say stop now. From now on, I will do everything to protect the climate of my country and the world.

    kanuni tr , Deniz

    Climate Change Quiz -Meryem Kanuni,Tr

    I am happy to attend this activity.I refresh my knowledge about climate change.But I'm very surprised about France but in a way country of lovers cares about climate change and thinks about it not surprising.They are understanding people.Anyway it makes me good from the information path.

    Climate Change Quiz- Şevval Kanuni Tr

    I really enjoyed when I solved quiz. I did all questions true. I think this informations are interesting.

    clean energy test

    After solving the test, I felt sad. The world is getting older day by day and we need to stop it. I hope solar energy will play a bigger role in our country and in the world in the coming years.

    rana özkaya , tr kanunı

    climate change quiz- Elanaz Kanuni

    I chose climate change quiz. I enjoyed this quiz very much. I think this information is very important for us. I couldnt do all questions but I tried and It was fun.

    Climate Change Quizz

    It was good I learnede a lot of new thing about world

    Clean Energy Test

    I chose the clean energy test because I think I have knowledge in this field. And I think I'm good at that.


    I didnt know some of the questions but some of them was very easy to do.Like even if you dont know the answer you can answer some of them
    I am suprised that whales can live 200 years also I didnt know that every country does whale commercially.

    Climate change quizz

    I searched and I saw the hottest year is 2020 but as I saw it said all of them (2020 and 2016).I surprised about it.We were in Pandemic,so I couldn't find the hottest year by myself so I searched and I also surprised that 2020 is one of the hottest years.
    Azra Kanuni Turkey

    Kanuni,TR Hamza

    I didn't know that whales can live that much. I did 9 out of 9. When I learned that they sell whales I got angry.

    Climate Change Quizz-enes Kanuni

    ıt was great ı learn lots of information about climate


    The environmental literacy test is both very entertaining and very informative, I recommend everyone to take it.


    The environmental literacy test is both very entertaining and very informative, I recommend everyone to take it.

    Yakup Aydemir KANUNI

    Climate Change Quiz | Betül - Kanuni / Turkey

    I chose this quiz because I care about Global Warming and Climate Change .So I sometimes search about this global problems .I hope other people care and do something about it. We should work together for our Earth.♡

    Climate Change Quiz | Betül Bozkan - Kanuni / Turkey

    I chose this quiz because I care about global warming and climate change. I sometimes search about these global problems. I think we should work together for our Earth.♡

    Bauhaus discussion_2BHW_WIMO Klagenfurt
    Climate Change Quiz

    The climate change quiz is very intersting. The questions are simple, but at the same time instructive. I already knew a lot about that topic, but I also learnd some new information. The most difficult question for me was one about percentage, but the other questions were very easy.
    Lea A.


    It is amazing that we have destroyed this huge rate of forests, because they are vital for our existence

    Climate Change Quiz

    I am surprised because I didn't know that 2020 was a hottest year. I found some interesting facts about climate.

    Climate change

    I was surprised by some information that I learned from the quiz. In our school, we don't talk that often about climate change. I didn't know about the terms in the "Paris Agreement" and the fact that electricity and heat production causes more effect on climate change than industry. Hrvoje V

    Plastic Pollution Quiz ;Elif Berre Güney, Kanuni Tr

    I didn't expect the plastic to be used so much. These results surprised me a lot. I think that too much unconscious use will affect our future in a bad way.

    plastic polution quiz

    Our reaction
    about the quiz results was disappointing. Many of the questions had shocking results, mostly about the number of plastic produced that ends up in the ocean. Now we know that plastic affects much more than we thought.

    Daniela.S , Sarah.P PT

    Climate Change

    While doing this amazing quizz, we discovered a lot of interesting facts about this topic.
    One of the ones we found interesting was that fabrics produce many types of toxic gases that stay in and damage our atmoshpere.
    It is very sad that humanity is very ahead of its time but we are still damaging our planet.
    Martim and João S., Anselmo de Andrade, Almada, PT

    Whale Conservation

    Whales are in extinction, and even so, there are still countries that sell them. It is very shocking what happens to these animals, and with this quiz, we discovered many curiosities.
    Sarah P, Daniela S - PT

    Our Opinion About Sustainable Fashion

    We chose the "sustainable fashion quiz". We didn't imagine that the clothes production/industry could affect so much the environment. The question that shocked us the most was the fact that to produce 1 pair of jeans takes 3.781 litres of water, that's literally 7562 cups of water. This shows how much important it is to recycle our clothes.
    Ivo + Gustavo PT

    Deforestation and Biodiversity Quiz

    The question that surprised us the most was the one regarding how many trees are needed for a full-day supply of air for four people. We answered 50 trees, because we thought that many would be needed, but it turns out you only need one! We would have never said that just one tree could produce that much oxygen in one day only.

    Gonçalo P. and Maria M.

    Climate change quiz

    My colleagues and I chose this quiz because we wanted to see our knowledge about such an important thing, gladly we were able to get it all right but we also learned more about this theme. We hope that someday the older generations will not have to deal with this huge problem and that the world gets better soon!

    Diogo C, Henrique J, Inês P - Anselmo PT

    Protect Our Species Quiz

    The quiz we chose was "Protect Our Species Quiz". We found out that bees are very important for our planet since it pollinates ou flowers and importante plants so they can spred well so that we have a bigger biodivesaty

    Clean energy quiz

    Nothing was really suprising, since we were familiar with the subject but hopefully all of those promises are kept, because clean energy is very important for our future.
    Júlia+Luís PT

    Upcyled Foods Quiz - Earth Day

    Over 30% of all food produced globally is lost or goes to waste, and that's a big problem for society and the planet. Upcycled food prevents this problem by creating new, high-quality products from surplus food.
    The quiz was great for me to learn more about upcycled food, but one of the questions asked about how much food we usually waste on a daily bases and as I've searched about it before, I knew it was around one third and choose the option that said so and it was surprisingly wrong. I proceeded to search about it and the answer was in fact wrong.
    But overall it was a good quiz :)
    Sarah B. - PT

    Our reflection about climate change and clean energy.

    The quizzes we chose were "CLIMATE CHANGE QUIZ" and "Clean Energy Quiz".
    We found it very interesting, and we learned more about one of the biggest problems on our planet.
    Nowadays, our world is suffering a lot of changes, and we are the ones who are causing that. We think that the only solution is to use clean energy and help our planet to survive, Earth has done so much for us, and we are just destroying it. Don't you want Earth to be healthy? Don't you and your next generation want to survive? If so, start helping and change your habits to contribute to a beautiful, healthy and sustainable planet.
    Guilherme and João PT

    Ferda, Kanuni, Turkey

    Climate Change Quiz I got 8 out of 11. And I learned a lot of interesting things that I didn't care about and heard about before. As an example, I didn't think China is the biggest emitter of CO2, and the percentages were pretty surprising. On the other hand, I learned that Paris has decided to pursue a path to keep global temperature rise below 2 C and limit warming to 1.5 C. I learned many things with this quiz.

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    I did this quiz because I really like fashion but there was things that I didn't know but I learned so many things too .
    Işık, Kanuni

    Invest In Our Planet Quiz

    The question that surprised me the most in this quiz was the first question. What are the three pillars of Earth Day's 2022 theme, Invest in Our Planet? This was the question and the answer was: Businesses, Governments and Individuals


    Plastic Pollution Quiz

    On average, Americans use 1.6 plastic drinking straws every day, totaling to 500 million per day. I couldn't believe these numbers because I know that less than 9% of tons of plastic is recycled in the US.
    Tuana ,Tr, Kanuni

    Clean Energy Quis

    I chose this quiz because I think there is a lot of think I don't know about it. But most surprising question is how many countries could use renewable energy by 2050. The answer is 140 and it’s really good result.
    Damla Su | TR | Kanuni

    Climate change quiz

    First of all I got 8 out of 10. I didn't know about 2 questions but at least I learned them. - Well, there is no shame in not knowing;the shame livers in not finding out- And the question that amazed and surprised me the most was between them. It was about the hottest year and couldn't even guess. At the begging I thought it could be 2020 because of the changes we had that year but when I saw the right answer I realized that I didn't even think of 2016.
    Özlem Ecrin, Kanuni, Turkey

    Climate Change Quiz

    I thought industry emitted the most greenhouse gases, but I found out that electricity and heat emit the most.

    Talha, Kanuni, TR


    My result is not so good but it is a chance for me. I realized that I don't know anything about climate changing. And now, I know that I should do some researches about it.
    Deniz T. Kanuni TURKEY

    climate change quiz

    I chose this quiz because I really want to know more about this topic.I learned that transportations emits 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions. It looks like a little but I think it has so much effects


    climate change quiz

    I chose this quiz because I really want to know more about this topic.I learned that transportations emits 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions. It looks like a little but I think it has so much effects


    climate change

    I chose this quiz because I really want to know more about this topic.I learned that transportations emits 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions. It looks like a little but I think it has so much effects


    Climate Change Quiz

    It was great to learn about climate change, to be aware of events on our planet, but the percentages are frightening.
    Esma B. Kanuni, TR

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz:Berrak,kanuni

    I was happy to get a good result and I learned a lot of new information.

    Climate Change Quizz: Kerem Berke Önal

    The test was versatile for me. I learned which country harms the environment more, which factor harms the environment.


    I chose this quiz to learn more about climate change.
    Aurora 4ATL, Lorenz, Italy

    Climate change quiz

    I got an 6 out of 11. I'm surprised that 1/3 food are wasted, I knew that it's a big problem, but I didn't expected it to be that serious, and I also didn't know that electricity and heat production emits the largest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions.
    Paulina K. 2c Kopernik

    Climate Change quiz

    At first, I thought that America was the country that emits the most global emissions. And I didn't know the exact subject of the Paris Agreement.

    Upcycled Food Quiz

    The quiz was very interesting. I didn't know that extracts from avocado pit are used as natural dyes for clothing. This fact shoked me in positive way.
    Agata 1C Kopernik

    Bee Quiz

    I got 5 of 10. Question was about which color bees can,t see. The most surprising was they don't see red. Second question was How many bees are in the hive. The number was up to 60.000. It's amazing.
    Marcin 1c Kopernik


    I chose the quiz ''upcycled food quiz''.I had 6 out of 13 points. I'm shocked at how much food is wasted. I am glad that more and more people notice it and try to change it.
    OlaN 1c kopernik

    bee quiz
    Bee Quiz

    Yes because before solution this quiz I didn't know that dragonflies eat bees so it definitely surprised me that.
    Andrzej 1C Kopernik PL

    Bee Quiz

    I was surprised how much bees mean a lot to nature and how important they are. After finishing the quiz, I noticed how useful bees are.
    Mateusz K, 1c Kopernik, Pl

    Upcycled Food Quiz

    I've chosen this quiz because I want to stop wasting food. It's terrible that so many food is wasting every day.
    Antonina, Kopernik 1c Poland

    Protect our species quiz

    Even though I have been interested in animals for as long as I can remember, I would not have thought that the numbers of animals killed (e.g. elephants) are so large.

    Protect Our Species Quiz

    The questions that surprised me the most is that 100 elephants are killed every day for their tusks to fuel the illegal ivory trade. I couldn't imagine how people could hurt such vulnerable animals for money.
    Julia A. Kopernik, Rybnik, 1c

    Protect Our Species

    The question that surprised me the most was the one of the Scientific evidence states that we are now losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the normal rate and the warming temperatures can impact the gender of hatchlings turtles.
    Klaudia W 1C Kopernik PL

    Protect Our Species

    The question that surprised me the most was the fact about change gender of the sea turtles. I really dont know that something can change gender sea turtles. It's interesting for me.
    Weronika Ic Kopernik PL

    Whale Conservation -Quiz

    What surprised me most was the question of whether the life expectancy of whales affects the environment. It turns out that while whales do consume quite , a lot they provide innumerable resources by acting as carbon sinks nutrient cyclers and a source of food for other animals and plants.
    Zuzanna G.Kopernik 1c

    Plastic Pollution Quiz

    The question that has surprised me the most has been that of all the straws that Americans use a day, and 500,000,000 seems like a lot to me, and we are only talking about one continent, I can't imagine how much it will be with the other continents.
    Khady T. KM 1.A


    I got 6 out of 10 i quizz, i took clean energy quizz, the question tjat suprized me the most was " how many countrys could entirely run on wind, solar and water energy by 2050". w was suprized when i picked wrong answer and was shown that 140 countryc could run on these sources of energy!
    Jan, Kopernik, PL

    Bee quiz

    I really enjoyed those quizzes, even I didn't knew all answers. The answer that surprised me the most, was probably that a single honey bee colony could consist of anywhere from 10,000 to well over 60,000 bees.

    Marta, Kopernik LO 1C, PL

    Resulations Bee Quiz

    I didn't know lot of these facts and they are very interesting. What surprised me the most was the fact that the bees have 5 eyes. Natalia N 1c Kopernik PL

    Bee Quiz - results

    The most surprising question for me was about what types of insects eats bees. The answer was that dragonflies do. I was shocked :o
    Zuzia W. 1C, Kopernik PL

    Bee quiz - results

    In my opinion the most surprising answer was that bees can't see red.
    Dominika C. 1C, Kopernik PL

    Climate Change Quizz

    When I was doing the quiz I was mostly correct but I got surprised about some questions like "Which has been the hottest year on record?" because I didn't know it was both 2016 and 2020. I think that the quiz educated me in some things and it was very interesting.
    Emilia Kopernik 1c


    I have chosen the bee quiz. I really enjoyed it and i think that facts about bees are very interesting. The thing that surprised me was that there are 25,000 species of bees



    Question that suprised me the most was ,,How many trees does it take to produce oxygen for 4 person?". I didn't think that was one large tree.
    Natalia L.,1c,Kopernik,PL

    Bee Quiz

    I didn't know a lot of this about bees. For example, bees have 5 eyes, 3 are simple and 2 are complex. Also, bees don’t see the red color. They're interesting creatures. I learn the things about them, which one i didn't know earlier!
    Klaudia, Kopernik PL


    I chose Whale Conservation Quiz which allowed me to learn a lot of new information.
    Ola 1c Kopernik PL

    Results of quiz

    I choose the whale conservation quiz and I learned a lot more about them than I knew before. I learned that the sound of boats and ships can be harmful for the whales and we shoud be carreful when we are going on open sea. Also I learned that whale at the end of their life can costs about 2 mln dolars.
    Inez G Kopernik 1c PL

    Climate Change Quizz

    Question that suprised me the most was about the "Paris Agreement" that came out of COP-21, held in Paris in 2015. I did not expect such an answer.
    Marcin Kopernik 1c PL

    Sustainable Fashion Quiz

    The questions that surprised me the most is that "How many liters of water does it take to make 1 pair of jeans?" It turns out that it takes 3,781 liters of water to make only 1 pair, can you belive that ? Many liters of wasted water only to make 1 pair of jeans
    Julia 1 c Kopernik Pl

    Climate Change Quiz-Karol,PL

    I chose Climate Change Quiz, beacuse i wanted to check my knowledge about this topic. I didn't know that China emites the most carbon dioxide. This question surprised me the most.


    actually the principal greenhouse gas is water vapor, increasing the temperature by 21° making life possible
    Gerardo, Italy

    Deforestation and biodiversity

    I chose a quiz about deforestation and biodiversity. I got 8 out of 10 right. The most surprising information was that one large tree can produce daily supply of oxygen for four people. I think that more people should solve this quiz, because it shows how pressing problem is deforestation. Zuza G. 2c Kopernik

    Quiz of pollution

    I chose this quiz, to learn about pollution. I'm happy because thanks to this quiz, I have learned many things and I will try to follow the advice.
    Francesco K Lorenz,Italy

    Riccardo 4ATL K. Lorenz Italy

    I had a lot of fun to do this quiz, it's a great initiative to remeber us of our planet.

    Giulia M. 4ATL K.Lorenz Italy

    I chose a quiz about regeneration agricolture. I have a lot of fun do to the quinz and I discovered many new things that I didin't now.

    plastic pollution quiz

    I was very surprise by the amount of plastic that must be disposed of every day, I didn't expect it.

    Clean energy quiz Favaro Damiano 5ATL

    It amazes me that
    already in 2019, 11% of total energy consumption in the United States comes from renewable sources.
    And that the United States also generated about 17% of its electricity from renewable sources.
    While now they produce 40%.