-Our post survey for students

  • Our post -survey link for students 

    In the 1st  question, It is seen that 95.5% of the students think that the project contributed to learning a different language while 4.5% of them thinks vice versa.

    In the 2nd question, It is seen that  95% of the  students took an active part in the project while 5% of them weren't very active.

    In the 3rd question, It is seen found out that 90.9% of the students think that the languages in the project were actively used while 9.1% of them think that they weren't used actively

    In the 4th question, It is found out that 100% of the students tell that they enjoyed the project

    In the 5th question, It is seen that 95.5% of the students think that this project improved their foreign language knowledge while 4.5% of them think the contrast of it.

    In the 6th question, It is seen that 95.5% of the students think that this project provided motivation to learn foreign languages while 4.5% of them think vice versa

    In the 7th question, It is clearly seen that 95.5% of the students wants to to project with the same scol last year while 4.5% of them don't want 

    In the 8th question, It is seen that 95.5% of the students tell that they will recommend eTwinning to everyone while only 4.5% of them won't