Give value to nature: learn how to measure what ecosystem services do for u

The ecosystem services are all the benefits that nature provides to humans. If we are able to measure them, we will be able to put in value all that the environment does for us. Theconcept of ecosystem service thus underlines our dependence on nature. It is conceived as a new way of facing the relations between humans and natureand focus on increasing ourawareness to protect the environment. The concept has gained great relevance at the scientific level. Thus, the main platform of the UN for the protection of nature is the"Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services". In addition, the EU has introduced criteria based on ecosystem services in its environmental andland management policies (e.g. green infrastructure strategy, forestry strategy, biodiversity conservation, etc.). However, ecosystem services remain largely unknown to the generalpublic and have hardly reached European secondary school classes.

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