Suspects interviews

  • Here you find the list of suspects and some of the questions Italian detectives prepared for them. 

    In materials, files, you will also find a file with all the questions. 

    Interviews are held at the moment with Miss Struridge the house maid, and we are doing a confrontation between Mrs Grace Villaroy and William Smith. Here are the audios!

    First, Mrs Studridge interview (audio)

    and then the confrontation between the police (2 officers) , Grace Villaroy and William Smith.(audio)

    Our conclusions:

    Mrs Villaroy and Mr Smith are not guilty because they don't like each other and they accused each other. They had alibis: Mrs Villaroy was monplaying money at poker and Mr Smith was at the cinema. We saw tickets.

    Mrs Studrige was innocent because she had an alibi: she was watching TV with her husband who confirmed.

    But we must question Mr Pitt. He was Mr Villaroy's best friends. We must interview him.

    Here are some questions we must ask him:

    1/ where were you at the murder time?

    2/ What were you doing at the murder time?

    3/ Did you find him bizarre ?

    4/ Did you see him recently?

    5/ Were you close to him?

    6/ Did you know his wife, Grace Villaroy and William Smith? 

    7/ What's your job?


    Here is what he answered. Could you find questions he was asked in italy and record his interview with the police officer.

    Mr Pitt’s Deposition


    I’ve known Charles for many years. When I was a teenager, we used to play basketball

    together. Then we played in the same rock band for three years. He was the best lefthanded

    guitar player I’d ever heard!


    He never mentioned his family. He had a son but they stopped seeing each other the day

    Charles remarried. He had cheated on his new wife a couple of times. Of course, she had

    found out and she decided to leave him.


    He didn’t have a lot of friends. Most people were interested in his money and he knew it. I’d

    say he was rather lonely.


    Charles was a real estate promoter. All I know is that Charles intended to build luxury

    apartments in Greets Green Park. He recently signed a contract with the mayor. If you want

    to know more about it, you should ask the mayor.


    I went to his place at around 3p.m. He looked worried. I asked him if there was something

    wrong. He said the construction site caused him problems and that he had an appointment

    with the mayor at 4 p.m. to discuss it. I had a drink or two, and then I left for the airport at

    about 4pm.


    At the time he was killed, I was in Italy. You can ask the plane company.

    I went to Italy for business. I’m a football team manager, I was looking for a great defender,

    but I didn’t find him. I’m the manager of the West Bromwich Albion team.


    Can you post the interview (audio) and make conclusions?

    Here is the interview to Mr Pitt (realised with adobevoice and youtube)