Curriculum integration


    Cross-curricular planning is a philosophy in education that attempts to put an end to isolated instruction and learning.

    Deeper learning can often occur when teachers combine relevant content areas. 

    This project is an example of that.


  • Curriculum integration

    EPB (Escola Profissional de Braga), Portugal

    Education to Citizenship
    Compulsory crosscurricular themes, presented in an interdisciplinary way through Project Based initiatives (EPB coordinator: Liliana Esteves)

    English as Foreign Language
    (the communication language is English, the students complete different tasks and suggest activities in English class) (Mentor teacher: Liliana Esteves)

    Social Studies
    (learners reflect upon the theme situating themselves as european citizens) (Mentor Teacher: Eliana Lopes)

    (students select different digital tools according to their goals) (Mentor Teacher: António Araújo)

    I.C. F. Querini, Venice -Italy

    Education to Citizenship
    This is a new compulsory crosscurricolar school subject in Italian education so that every teacher deals with it according to their own school subject to promote active citizenship, be green and improve digital skills. For example in second year in my middle school:
    Italian and history teachers deal with the respect of rules, school rules, laws and constitutions.
    Geography teacher deals with European union and active citizenships.
    English teachers join European projects like this one to promote social and digital goals and Language competences as we communicate in English and become aware of fake news...
    and so on

    Berufskolleg Meschede (Germany)

    Media literacy in Germany is an important requirement in the education of our students. It takes place in every subject. How to use web tools is also part of it as privacy or dealing with media.

    Examing the use of the language. The students reflect how use the language in different situations and also how to recognize manipulation. (Teacher: Daniela Overhage)

    English as Foreign language (the communication language is English) Students acquire skills in the english communication. (Teacher Jakimova)

    The theme Europe is a fixed topic. Every year the teachers organize a european day at our school. This year the students will present our eTwinning project "Breake the fake" to other students. (Teacher B. Stallmeister)