
  • Letras galegas, é un proxecto eTwinning, que naceu como concurso de marcapáxinas e edición tras edición foise completando con outras actividades colaborativas entre varias escolas europeas, difundindo deste xeito a língua e literatura galegas.

    No undécimo ano, a figura homenaxeada é unha das voces máis destacadas da poesía galega contemporánea. Xela Arias é autora dunha poesía singular, transgresora, sincera e comprometida. Ademais de xogar unha importante labor como editora e tradutora que verteu milleiros de páxinas de clásicos universais ao galego.

    Biografía de Xela Arias (Real Academia Galega)


    Cada centro creará una página con el nombre (abreviatura-pais/comunidad)Nombre centro (país). Ejemplo:

    (GL) IES San Clemente (Spain)  donde GL es Galicia.


    Letras galegas, is an eTwinning project, which was born as a bookmark contest and edition after edition was completed with other collaborative activities between several European schools, thus spreading the Galician language and literature.

    In the eleventh year, the honored figure is one of the most prominent voices in contemporary Galician poetry. Xela Arias is the author of a singular, transgressive, sincere and committed poetry. In addition to playing an important role as an editor and translator who has translated thousands of pages of universal classics into Galician.


    Each center will create a page with the name (abbreviation-country / community) Center name (country). Example:

    (GL) IES San Clemente (Spain)  where GL is Galicia.

    Edicións anteriores:


    All the students and their parents for those under 18, teachers gave their consent to work on our project and for the publication of their photos, drawings, texts, voices, etc.

    They all have been informed of the copyright issues and agreed that their work will be published with a creative commons license.