THE MITTEN Ukraine (Kalush)



    The day is cold and snowy.

    The old man walks along a path in the forest.

    A dog runs behind him.

    Then the old man loses his mitten.


    Along runs a mouse.

    She sees the mitten.

    The mitten is big and warm.

    And it is a very cold day.

    The mouse says,

    «I can live here!»

    And she gets inside.


    Along hops a frog and asks,

     «Who is there in the mitten?»

    «That’s me, the mouse. Who are you?»

    «I’m a frog. Can you let me in?»

    «OK, come in!»

    So there are two of them in the mitten.


    Along runs a hare.

    He comes up to the mitten and asks,

    «Who is there in the mitten?»

    «That’s me, the mouse and me, the frog. Who are you?»

    «I’m a hare. Can you let me in?»

    «OK, come in!»

    There are three of them in the mitten.


    And here comes a fox.

    She rushes to the mitten.

    «Who is there in the mitten?»

    «That’s me, the mouse and me, the frog, and me, the hare. Who are you?»

    «I’m a fox. Can you let me in?»

    «OK, come in!»

    So there are four of them in the mitten already!


    A boar comes by from nowhere.

    «Who is there in the mitten?»

    «That’s me, the mouse, and me, the frog, and me the hare, and me, the fox. Who are you?»

    «I’m a boar. Can you let me in?»

    «OK, come in!»

    The boar gets into the mitten too.

    There are already five of them.


    Here trots a wolf.

    He comes to the mitten and asks,

    «Who is there in the mitten?»

    «That’s me, the mouse and me, the frog, and me, the hare, and me, the fox, and me, the boar. Who are you?»

    «I am a wolf. Can you let me in?»

    «OK, come in!»

    The wolf gets into the mitten.

    There are already six of them.

    It is so crowded inside!

    They can hardly move!


    A bear climbs through the bushes.

    The branches crack.

    He comes to the mitten, growls and asks,

    «Who is there in the mitten?»

    «That’s me, the mouse and me, the frog, and me, the hare, and me, the fox, and me, the boar, and me, the wolf. Who are you?»

    «There are so many of you! I’m a bear. Can you let me in?»

    «That is bad! Everyone comes to the mitten and wants to get in! You are too big! The mitten is so crowded!»

    «It is so cold! I can fit. Let me in, please!»

    «OK, come in!»

    The bear climbed into the mitten.

    There are already seven of them.

    It is so crowded!

    They can hear, «crack, crack, crack…»

    The mitten is about to burst!


    Now the old man looks around.

    He looks for his mitten.

    «Where is my mitten?»

    He goes back the path.

    The dog runs in front of the old man.

    The dog sees the mitten.

    It is on the ground and it moves.

    «Woof, woof, woof!»

    Says the dog to the old man.

    The animals in the mitten can hear the dog.

    They are scared.

    «Let`s run!»

    They run out of the mitten and away into the forest.

    The old man comes up to the mitten, picks it up and goes home.


    And here is the link to created stoyrjumper


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