Today, when development plans are made for sustainable living, the use of natural assets as a raw material and environmental pollution caused by production and consumption cause major ecological crises. The increasing pollution of fresh water resources and lands is a result of environmental pollution. The increase in the number of factories and vehicles all over the world in recent years, We are all concerned about the future of our world because they pollute the environment without thinking. Because we can build a brand new world with the energy and power of our children. With the work of our project, our children will both get to know nature more closely, learn about wastes that harm the environment (air, water, soil), and discover how to protect our world by saving. More importantly, they will tell their elders what they have learned and create awareness around them with their work.   


    Mainly, to protect clean water resources, to prevent soil polluting wastes (domestic waste, industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, water-borne diseases), to encourage and disseminate the solution of global and local environmental pollution, water, soil, air problems and water management. to develop a global understanding and to create social awareness and to raise awareness of sustainability in individuals.


    To our stakeholders who contribute to our partner schools; under the main theme of sustainable life; Activities have been planned for the protection of clean water resources, the protection of our land, the provision of equitable water management, the importance of water in living beings, to encourage and disseminate the solution of global and local water and soil pollution problems, and to share them at the solution point.


    The water necessary for our life; awareness will be gained that air, soil and living things are not important. It will be understood that taking back a healthy environment necessary for maintaining a healthy life and living in a clean and livable environment is the right of all living creatures. We expect the resources and the soil to be stakeholders who can protect the air, distribute water fairly, distribute water fairly, and have gained awareness at the fundamental point of the soil and air.