Xtreme addictions

'Xtreme addictions' is an interesting and up-to-date project, connencted with health and its problems. Our project is focusing on different types of unusual, but from year to year more common addictions, popular among young generation. In this project we would like to talk about addictions which, although not raised officially, are very serious and dangerous for our health, like being addicted to technologies (e.g. gaming), orthorexia/bigorexia, toxic relationships, on-line gambling, body modifications (tattoos and piercing) or addiction to energetic drinks. Our aim is to make students more conscious about the dangers connected with addictions, not really here and now. Students are going to name the addicitions and analise these dangeres. They are going to find out when a given behaviour or hobby is acceptable and when the line is crossed and the hobby is changed into an obsession.

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