

The project is connected tfunded undero the Erasmus+ KA201”Strategic partnership for School Education” programme and it is called RoboPisces “innovative educational ROBOtics strategies for PrImary School ExperienceS” (website: ). RoboPisces, in fact, promotes a powerful transnational collaboration (Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Greece,Malta and Croatia) among international high-level academic institutions and Primary Education schools, triggering dedicated actions in the field of STEAM and digital skills education, incorporating, innovative elements in their development and implementation by means of Educational Robotics (ER). ER creates an attractive learning environment by keeping students interested and motivated with hands-on, fun learning activities. In this context, the eTwinning platform will be extremely important to share ideas, videos, information about all the steps of the RoboPisces project, both during this school year and the coming one.

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