Meeting In Hanover May 2022 day 4

  • May 5th

    The day kicked off early as the youth hostel's alarm set off at 6 am, Fortunately it was just a false alarm.

    The students gathered at eight for a physics session to show students how to build a solar lamp.

    Meanwhile, the teachers held a meeting to discuss the project and consider improvements and the next steps to be taken in its completion. The question of whether to keep the same students over the next meetings remains an open choice for participants; Macedonia, France and Spain are considering changing their groups while the German team is still examining the question. The inscription of the students on etwinning and the work carried out collectively is to be prioritized.

    The students will work ahead of the meetings on the forums; it may prove to be at times difficult in terms of conflicting timetables but the collective effort must come first. A set of webconferences needs to be set up before the meeting in Hyères in October.

    Dates were setup for Spain from February 6th to the 10th in San Javier and for Macedonia from May 8th to the 12th.

    In the afternoon, Spain's activity was presented by four students in the form of a pictionary game on green energy, followed by the French activity around vocabulary activities and a musical blindtest to compile a glossary that will prove useful in the visit of Hyères with a focus on wetlands and the sea coast.

    The afternoon's work session ended with a ceremony at the town hall were the students were delivered their attendance certificates.