EBI Praia da Vitória - Azores, Portugal

  • Easter Activities

    Easter Folares Coloring

    We colored the Easter Folar design and to make the egg, we glued egg shells in the center.

    Easter Folar drawing.
    Egg hunt

    The eggs were hidden in the playground. Each student had to find an egg. In each egg there was a question and a chocolate egg inside. They could only eat the chocolate egg after answering the question. It was very funny.

    Easter Story

    We heard and got to know the true story of Easter, adapted for children. We prepare images and use the Easter story apron as a support resource.

    Rabbit masks

    Each student made their Easter Bunny mask which they then used to pretend to be the Easter Bunny, to make games and to sing our Easter songs.

    Egg painting

    One of the students brought wooden eggs, made by his father, to do an activity for the project. We paint and decorate with ribbons and glue magnets.

    Easter Bunny game

    While the wolf sleeps, the bunnies take the opportunity to look for the eggs they will offer to the children at Easter. When the wolf wakes up the bunnies must find a hole to avoid being caught by the wolf.

    Puzzle - Mascot "Easter Bunny"

    We build puzzles and play. The winning mascots in our contest were the inspiration - 1st place.

    Puzzle - Mascot "Easter Bunny Girl"

    We build puzzles and play, the winning mascots in our contest were the inspiration - 2nd place.

    Puzzle - Mascot Religious and profane Easter basket

    We build puzzles and play, the winning mascots in our contest were the inspiration - 3rt place.

    Rabbit bag

    The Easter Bunny passed by our kindergarten and left a letter congratulating all the boys and girls for their excellent work and asked them to make a basket, a bag, a box, whatever they wanted, because it would pass by during the night and leave a surprise for all. We made a rabbit bag.