Coordinator: Tsar Simeon Veliki Secondary school, Bulgaria
Partners: Escola Básica e Secundária com P/E da Calheta, Portugal
Dimitrije Todorovic Kaplar, Serbia
Kuressaare Gümnaasium, Estonia
Inclusive education allows students of all backgrounds, general and with special needs, to learn and grow side by side, in the same classroom, to the benefit of all. General Education Teachers, have to be prepared to face Inclusion in the classroom?
1)To give teachers the opportunities to collaborate and share methods to create guidelines and materials for Inclusive Education Framework, to apply it into daily teaching;
2) To give teachers opportunity to collaborate to create guidelines and materials for eLearning at school;
3) To train 5 teams of students to understand how e-platform and e-tools can differentiate learning process. To can identify and share similarities & differences in the practices of our countries in Inclusive education;
4) To develop digital skills for both students and teachers, to create digital related content by using ICT.
The methodology to be used in carrying out the project is in relation with real life issues and Intercultural education and includes blended activities for teachers and students like: researches; surveys and workshops; Forum theater; online and onsite trainings; eTwinning collaboration; teaching material creation; e-pedagogy; eAssessment tools creating; interactive methods and such from non-formal education, pear learning etc.