Out and about in Belgium


    Out and About in Belgium

    - a treasure hunt -

    There is a treasure hidden somewhere in Belgium. To find the treasure, you need to follow the task and work out the clues. Start with the first task below:

    Read part of the lyrics from a popular song and complete it with a missing word.

    So how could I ever refuse
    I feel like I win when I lose -
    Couldn't escape if I wanted to
    Knowing my fate is to be with you
    Finally facing my___________


    Add the missing word to the bit.ly/ below in order to go to the next step. You need to copy and paste the whole bit.ly into the address bar to make it work.

    bit.ly/fcl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    No answer yet? Don't worry!
    Here's HINT number 1: The missing word is a famous battlefield in Belgium.
    Still no answer? Then here's HINT number 2: Listen to the song to hear the missing word.