List of classes participating in the project :
Please, indicate on this page the name of your school, the city, the country, the level of your class or the age of your students.
- School "La Prairie", Saint-Maurice en Rivière, FRANCE, level : Grande section/ CP (5-7 years old)
- School "Jacques Prévert", Saint-Sernin du bois, Burgundy, FRANCE, level : CE1-CE2 ≈ Year 3-4 (7-8 years old)
-School "Anamur 15 Temmuz Milli Irade Primary School ", Mersin/TURKEY
Level :CE1-CM1 (7-10 years old)
-School " Şehit Er Müslüm Zengin İlkokulu, İstanbul,Turkey, level 3rd and 4th grades (7-9 years old)
- Scholl "The little pencil case", Saint-Maurice-lès-Châteauneuf, FRANCE, level : CM1-CM2 (9-10 years old)
- School Jean de la Fontaine, Sancé (France) - level : CE2 (8-9 years old)
-School '' Saray Cumhuriyet Primary School'', Tekirdağ/ TURKEY Level: 2nd and 4th graders (7- 10 years old)