
It is a gaining knowledge and raising awareness project about climate change and its connection with sustainability. Pupils will explore and define climate change first. They will then confirm it via scientific data. Following, they will explore causes and effects on global scale and on local scale. Then, they will search about sustainibility issue, familiarise with UN Sustainable Development Action, and discuss climate change from the point of sustainibility. At the last phases, they will explore the relevant world-wide, countrywide and local organizations and actions. So that, they will find out how they can individually contribute campaigns and actions against climate change. Throughout the project, pupils will work in collaboration either with their class mates or project mates. They will share their findings on twinspace via web2 tools such as interactive maps, infographics, charts, etc. Final output will be a glossary or newspaper for dissemination on Twinspace, school web or EBA

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