School activities

  • Partners activities-Primary School Bedekovčina-uređuju Danijela Paradi, Marica Celjak i Darinka Svečnjak

    Necklace made of old clothes- Primary School Bedekovcina

    We made necklaces of old clothes.

    Easter eggs made of recycled material-Primary school Bedekovčina

    Students decorated Easter eggs in the traditional way, with an environmentally friendly painting technique with natural colors (red onion shells and wax).

    Selection for the project logo-Primary school Bedekovčina

    Selection for the project logo carried out in the school among the students participating in the project. We selected 2 proposals and sent them to the project coordinator. Students participating in the project started voting for the logo (a total of 8 proposals). The work of student Vid Paradi from the Bedekovčina Elementary School was chosen as the logo of the project. The logo is on all materials and documents related to the project, as well as on the Facebook page and on eTwinning, and the school's page

    Christmas cards and decorations-Primary school Bedekovčina

    Students made Christmas cards and decorations from recycled materials.

    Lecture, quiz, game - Primary school Bedekovčina

    Teacher Danijela Paradi gave a lecture to GLOBE group students on types of waste, waste sorting and recycling. The students then solved a quiz on the topic, and the successfully solved quiz gave the students access to a computer game with which they sorted the waste into containers.

    An ecological cleaning of the school yard- Primary school Bedekovčina

    An ecological cleaning of the school yard was carried out with the students who were members of the GLOBE group. The students went out into the school yard, and sorted the collected waste into appropriate containers.

    A wall decoration from waste-Primary school Bedekovčina

    Members of the Student Cooperative "Bedex" made a wall decoration from waste and recycled materials. Their work was presented at the County Festival of Student Cooperatives, and invited and presented at the National Festival of Student Cooperatives

    Bedekovčina Primary School - plastic recycling

    Students and teachers Lorena Videk and Marica Celjak held a workshop in cooperation with the Association of the Disabled Bedekovčina. The students made fun boxes out of plastic bottles in which they planted a flower.

    Primary School Bedekovcina Croatia-

    Students and teacher Marica Celjak made decorative vases from recycled paper.

    OŠ Bedekovčina

    Na vjeronauku smo u sklopu uskrsne radionice bojali jaja na prirodan način. (MC OŠ Bedekovčina)

    Primary School Bedekovcina Croatia

    Pisanice i razni otpadni materijali u rukama vrijednih vjeroučenika postali su ukrasni predmeti.
    Easter eggs and various waste materials in the hands of diligent religious students became decorative objects. (Marica C. OŠ Bedekovčina)

    Ukrasne kutijice

    Kutijice koje ostaju od lijekova, čaja ,keksa, bombona ukrasili smo salveta tehnikom . Pogledajte što smo dobili. ( radionicu održala Marica C. OŠ Bedekovčina )

    Christmas decoration -Primary school Bedekovčina

    Students and teacher Darinka Svečnjak made a Christmas decoration from jar and natural materials.

    Bird feeder from plastic bottles -Primary School Bedekovčina

    A group of students"Little Creatives" with their teacher Darinka Svečnjak made a bird feeder from plastic bottles. They filled them with seeds and hung them on the trees in front of the the school.

    Water mill - Primary School Bedekovčina

    In the video you can see ,how a group of students "Little creatives" with their teacher Darinka Svečnjak,made a mill using recycled materials.

    Mask from recycled materials -Primary School Bedekovčina

    Ussing egg paper boxes,the students in 3.p class made unussual mask .(Teacher Darinka Svečnjak)

    Humane action by collecting plastic plugs- Primary School Bedekovčina

    Students and teacher in Primary School Bedekovčina collect plastic caps and donate them to the Leukemia Association to purchase the necessary medications

    Easter decoration -Primary School Bedekovčina

    Students in 3.p with their teacher Darinka Svečnjak made Easter decorations. Easter eggs made from wool and nest made from paper.They applied the technique of liminating paper on a ballon. They made Easter cards too.

    Furniture Toys -Primary School Bedekovčina

    Students made furniture toys .In the making they used medicine boxes,cardboard and lot of imagination.(Teacher Darinka Svečnjak)

    Primary School Bedekovčina

    Reuse tetrapak in wallet
    Group of students "Little creatives" made wallet. They used tetrapack packaging in their production. (Teacher Darinka Svečnjak)

    Shooters from recycle materials -Primary School Bedekovčina

    We used cardboord rools for the shooters and foil for the ball. We had a great time . (Group students "Little creatives" and teacher Darinka Svečnjak)

    Making recycled paper-Primary School Bedekovčina

    Group of students "Little creatives" and teacher Darinka Svečnjak made a recycled paper. They need :used paper, water, mixer, strainer, roller and gauze. You can see how they got recycled paper in the video.

    We made dolls- Primary School Bedekovčina

    In the art class with a lot of imagination and creativity, 3.p students made dolls . They used materials they found in their household: cooks, wool, sponge, pieces of fabric from old clothes, buttons, staples, glue. The made puppets were used in the Croatian language class in plays they designed themselves. (Teacher Darinka Svečnjak)