"TREASURE HUNT'' Iasi, Romania

  • Here are the questions about Iasi, Romania.

      1.Where is Iasi situated?

     2.Which is the first university in the country?

     3. Who painted the Hall of Lost Steps?

     4 . Which is the oldest and the most beautiful building in the country?

     5. Who were the founders of the National Theatre?

     6. How many  rooms does the Palace of Culture have?

     7. What monument is there in front of the Palace of Culture?

     8. How was originally called the Central University Library?/ What was the original name of the  Central University Library?

     9. Who  was the founder of the Botanical Garden?

     10. Which is the oldest park in Iasi?

     11. What is the name of  the monument dedicated to the poet Mihai Eminescu?

     12. Name three churches. (in Iasi)

     13. What age is Eminescu's lime?/ How old is Eminescu’s Lime Tree?

     14.  What is the full name of the University of Iasi?