We have created a code of conduct list for both students and teachers.
These rules are added to the pages.
Our students’ surnames are not used because of esafety .Their usernames are created as their first names and abbreviations of school names or countries.
SGMTAL: Sabiha Gökçen Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi,Eskişehir
SEAL: Seydişehir Anadolu Lisesi,Konya
CFL: Cumhuriyet Fen Lisesi,Ankara
ŞOYAL: Şehit Oğuzhan Yaşar Anadolu Lisesi,Ankara
ŞEYAL: Şehit Ersoy Yorulmaz Anadolu Lisesi,Muğla
VMGSBL: Vali Muammer Güler Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi, İstanbul
RO,Marcela: Colegiul Tehnic „Traian Vuia”, Oradea
RO,Catalin: Scoala Gimnaziala "George Valsan"
TN,Nouha: Manzah 9, TunusLYCÉE MENZEH9
XS,Sanja: SırbistanRačunarska gimnazija Smart
*not to identify student IDs and faces in photographs and videos. Therefore, use masks in students' videos and photographs.
* to take parental permission documents and upload them to twinspace pages.
* to upload the videos to our youtube channel as unlisted.
* to the fact that the products such as photos, videos, texts and music used in our project are not copyrighted. You can see several website names where we can use copyright-free music and pictures to our students.