Winner Project Logo and Poster

  • Poster Survey:

    Logo Survey:


    Poster Survey Result

    There were 16 designs in the poster questionnaire.We limited our survey to 1 answer. We started the survey broadcast on 06.12.2020. We finished the survey broadcast on 14.12.2020.



    128 people participated in the poster survey. The poster in the 6th option received the most votes. The 6th poster has a 71.1 percent rate.

    According to the survey results, the poster in the 6th option received 91 votes.

    Winner Poster



    Logo Survey Result

    There were 21 designs in the poster questionnaire.We limited our survey to 1 answer. We started the survey broadcast on 06.12.2020. We finished the survey broadcast on 14.12.2020.  


    23 people participated in the poster survey. The poster in the 5th option received the most votes. The 6th poster has a 17.4 percent rate.

    According to the survey results, the poster in the 6th option received 4 votes.


    Winner Logo