Parental Consent

  • Dear bookworms!

    You are here to interact with other studetns and to learn new things by reading and doing the activities connected with the books you read. But just like when you go outside and you ask for your parent's permision in this project we need to make sure that your mummy and daddy know that you are here.


    First, tell your parent about the project. Everytime you do or learn something new, tell your parent as well. I think you parents will be delighted to find out about all the new things you learn and all the friends you made.

    You can open the Twin Space from your home computer the same way you do at school and give your parents a tour of the project. Show them what you did new at every stage of the project. Let them be proud of you!

    Technology Parent Resources - Tippecanoe School Corporation

    Image Source

    Second, your teacher will give you the paper for your parents to sign so that is legal for us to publish your photos, audio recordings and all the creations you make. You can also ask your parent to take it from here: 

    In Engish:

    Parental Consent The Very Hungry Bookworm.docx


    In Romanian:

    Acord Parental The Very Hungry Bookworm.docx


    In Turkish:

    Veli Onay Formu The Very Hungry Bookworm.docx


    In Catalan:

    Formulari de consentiment parental -catalan.docx


    In Spanish:

    Formulario de autorización parental.docx



    For those who are in online schooling  here is the electronic variant, where your parent can tick and submit the form.

    Parental Consent Electronic Version