4.0. Human Rights Day

  • In this eTwinning project we will create an imaginary country, building from scratch its communities. Before starting this creative and challenging task, it's import to reflect on what we have achieve in this 75 years of United Nations regarding to Human Rights. All of us have been dealing with Covid-19 pandemic and how to recover from this situation. This years’ Human Rights Day is dedicated to COVID-19 pandemic and the need to build back better by ensuring Human Rights are central to recovery efforts.

    Let’s dedicate a moment to reflect about our world and...

    Human Rights Day 2020 (10 December)

    We challenge you to explore the UN website and watch the following video.

    • What did you feel while watching the video?

    Let's create a word cloud with the feelings/emotions evoked by watching the video. You can add until three different words (feelings, emotions) - go to menti (here).

    Take a look at the live results (here).

    • Let's play games about the message on the video.

    Game 1 - Recover better

    Game 2 - Human Rights and SDGs

    Game 3 - Urgent action - key areas

    Game 4 - Urgent solutions

    LearningApps games created collaboratively by AENG's students (9thH class).

  • The UN Secretary-General message tells us that because of Covid-19 we have shown an enormous capacity to adapt to new circumstances, so change is possible. The video ends with “We know the facts, We have the solutions”. Will it be possible to use the “power” we have to achieve the 2030 Agenda?
    15 votes (50.00%)
    To some extent
    11 votes (36.67%)
    2 votes (6.67%)
    I'm not sure
    2 votes (6.67%)